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simple request, i guess

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 12:05 pm
by occhiostanco
Hi all,
my ZM server, a low power (35 W !!) EPIA10000 based computer,
which handles 7 cameras via iTuner Spectra, is somewhat busy,
of course.
This is not a problem in general, but it's really a pain to play back events
the few times I need it after (tipically) suspected intrusions.

What I need is a simple way to get access to event history and playback when
ZM is down, since it is impossible when it is up .

Can you give some hints



Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 4:13 am
by john_l_b
On a running system with 3 cameras, if I stop montage, it frees up a lot of cpu time to do other things. Recording is still done.

If that's not sufficient, try going to:
where ...web... is your link into web page storage
N is the camera number
Seq is the sequence number for this event
Frame is the number of the frame (could be a couple of thousand .jpg here)
The file modification time is several seconds to minutes after the actual frame times.

ch (to the Seq dir)
animate -delay 20 *.jpg
will show you a movie of the sequence. The -delay make it about real time.
The problem is that the files are numbered with only 2 leading 0's, so 1000... is right next to 100..., and that makes it jump. I don't know of any easy way to renumber a few thousand files. Perhaps by judicial copying to other directories... 0-99, 100-999. etc.

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 6:58 am
by mycal
If you haven't patched your system with the MMX jpg libs try that. It reduced the load on my EPIA10000 system by about 40%
