I cant get jpeg images from this camera, so i wrote this perl script to get jpeg images into file and update them every 0.5 sec.
Code: Select all
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# client1.pl - a simple client
use strict;
use Socket;
use IO::Handle;
our ($typacket, $dopacket);
my ($pipe, $host, $port, $proto, $iaddr, $paddr, $pid, $buf, $client_hash, $dsize, $file_to_save);
# ip and port of pd100 camera.
# login to camera is not fully implemented yet (just "admin", no password) - use factory default!!
$host = "";
$port = 80;
# IF $typacket == 0x4f
# dopacket:
# -> - to camera
# <- - from camera
#t/f hex explanation
# -> 00 - reset camera's config for logged user
# <- 01 - show camera's mac address
# -> 02 - login info sending to camera
# <- 03 - login answer from camera (access/deny)
# -> 10 - clearing something ????
# <- 16 - answer to "10", maybe cleared ????
# -> 04 - something setup asking ????
# <- 11 - some code sended (answer)
# <- 05 - again something sended
#$typacket == 0x56
# -> 00 - send code gotted from 05 in 0x04f setup (see upper)
#$typacket == 0x4f
# -> 07 - clearing something (or say "start")
#$typacket == 0x56
# <- 01 - sending data
sub makepacket {
my $data = $_[0];
my $strsize=length($data);
my $dsize=$strsize/2;
$strsize = $strsize+46;
return pack("H".$strsize,"4d4f5f".$typacket.unpack("H2",pack("i",$dopacket))."00000000000000000000".unpack("H8",pack("i",$dsize)).unpack("H8",pack("i",$dsize)).$data);
sub countpacketdata {
my $buf = $_[0];
# debug
#my $data="4d4f5f4f01000000000000000000001b0000001b00000000003130333637353432333243410000000001000000000600000e";
#print $buf;
if ($buf =~ m/^\x4d\x4f\x5f(.)(.)\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00(.{4})(.{4}).*/){
#print $buf."\n";
$typacket = unpack("H2",$1);
$dopacket = unpack("c",$2);
my $psize= unpack("v",$3);
my $psizecheck= unpack("v",$4);
if ($psize == $psizecheck){
return $psize;
} else {
return 0;
} else {
return 0;
# initialize host and port
$proto = getprotobyname('tcp');
# get the port address
$iaddr = inet_aton($host);
$paddr = sockaddr_in($port, $iaddr);
socketpair(CHILD, PARENT, AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, PF_UNSPEC) or die "socketpair: $!";
if($pid = fork()) { # Parent
print "parent\n";
close PARENT;
# create the socket, connect to the port
socket(SOCK_CTRL, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto) or die "socket: $!";
connect(SOCK_CTRL, $paddr) or die "connect: $!";
send(SOCK_CTRL, $buf, 0);
$dsize=countpacketdata($buf); # $dopacket & $typacket - changed too!!
#print $dsize."\n-\n";
#print $typacket."\n-\n";
#print $dopacket."\n-\n";
if ($dopacket==1){
print "Connected to MAC:".substr($buf,2,12)."\n";
} else {
print "Connected, but don't know MAC!\n";
# login to camera (just "admin", no password)
send(SOCK_CTRL, $buf, 0);
$dsize=countpacketdata($buf); # $dopacket & $typacket - changed too!!
if ((unpack("H6",$buf) eq "000002") && ($dopacket==3)){
print "login OK!\n";
} else {
print "ERROR: wrong login or packet cmd\n";
send(SOCK_CTRL, $buf, 0);
$dsize=countpacketdata($buf); # $dopacket & $typacket - changed too!!
if (($dopacket==22) && (unpack("H2",$buf) eq "00")){
print "Answer to \"0x10\" OK!\n";
} else {
if ($dopacket==22) {
print "Answer to \"0x10\" NOT OK!\n";
} else {
print "No answer to \"0x10\"!\n";
send(SOCK_CTRL, $buf, 0);
# 1-st packer recv
$dsize=countpacketdata($buf); # $dopacket & $typacket - changed too!!
if ($dopacket==17){
print "Answer to \"0x04\" give: 0x".unpack("H".length($buf)*2,$buf)."\n";
# 2-nd packer recv
$dsize=countpacketdata($buf); # $dopacket & $typacket - changed too!!
if ($dopacket==05){
#print "And: 0x".unpack("H".length($buf)*2,$buf)." - too (hash to 2-nd socket)!\n";
# picture socket code
print CHILD $client_hash."\n";
print "Sended client hash to file:".$client_hash."\n";
# say to control socket "start"!
send(SOCK_CTRL, $buf, 0);
for (;;){
# 2-nd packer recv
$dsize=countpacketdata($buf); # $dopacket & $typacket - changed too!!
if ($dopacket=="-1"){
print time()." Send keep-alive: ".$dopacket."\n";
send(SOCK_CTRL, $buf, 0);
# 1-st packer recv
} else {
print "Control received: 0x".unpack("H".length($buf)*2,$buf)." - unknown data!\n";
# say to control socket "stop"!
send(SOCK_CTRL, $buf, 0);
close(SOCK_CTRL) or die "close: $!";
close CHILD;
} elsif(defined $pid) { # Child
print "children\n";
close CHILD;
chomp($buf = <PARENT>);
print "getting hash\n";
print $buf."<- got user hash\n";
socket(SOCK_GET, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto) or die "socket: $!";
connect(SOCK_GET, $paddr) or die "connect: $!";
send(SOCK_GET, $buf, 0);
# loop for image gets
do {
$dsize=countpacketdata($buf); # $dopacket & $typacket - changed too!!
if ($dsize > 0){
print time()." got image \n";
# save to file
open(FH, ">$file_to_save.tmp") or die "Can't open $file_to_save.tmp: $!";
$jpgcode= substr($buf,13);
print FH $jpgcode;
close(FH) or die "close: $!";
rename("$file_to_save.tmp", "$file_to_save");
#sleep 1;
} while (($typacket eq "56") && ($dsize > 0));
close(SOCK_GET) or die "close: $!";
close PARENT;