Sony SNC-M3W and M1W patches for ZM 1.22.3

If you've made a patch to quick fix a bug or to add a new feature not yet in the main tree then post it here so others can try it out.
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Posts: 62
Joined: Mon Apr 19, 2004 7:24 pm

Sony SNC-M3W and M1W patches for ZM 1.22.3

Post by gneuf »

Here are the newest patch files for the SNC-M3W and SNC-M1W in a gzipped tar file containing two patches [tested/working] and the latest [buggy] control script.

This'll get to the Wiki shortly, with a revised control script and setup instructions.


Open a shell.
Go to the ZM sources wherever you originally unpacked them.

Go into the src directory:

shell> cd src

Extract the files:

shell> tar zvxf /path/to/your/downloaded/zm_snc_v2_patches.tgz

Backup the original files you are about to patch:

shell> cp zm_remote_camera.cpp zm_remote_camera.cpp.original
shell> cp zm_remote_camera.h zm_remote_camera.h.original

Patch your sources:

shell> patch < zm_remote_camera-1.22.3-SNCM.cpp.patch
shell> patch < zm_remote_camera-1.22.3-SNCM.h.patch

Copy the to /usr/local/bin:

shell> cp /usr/local/bin

Go back up to the ZM root directory and recompile and install:

shell> cd ..
shell> make && make install

I followed my own directions and they seem to work... :shock:
Posts: 62
Joined: Mon Apr 19, 2004 7:24 pm

Post by gneuf » could download Version 3 which contains identical patch files and the latest [fully functional] control script.

The script is also available by itself.

And who knows...theWiki page section about setting up the control may even magically fill itself in...
Posts: 7
Joined: Thu Nov 22, 2007 4:18 am

Post by oscarliu »

Thanks gneuf. The patch works like a charm.
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