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1.23 and debian/ubuntu package
Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 11:58 pm
by PeterHoward
For those of you who have been wondering where it is . . . I decided to wait for 1.23.1. Now that it's out zoneminder_1.23.1-1_i386.deb shouldn't be too far away
Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 1:15 am
by ktheking
good idea ...
This can save you (and us) of lot of time ...
Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 4:56 pm
by Lee Sharp
Hip Hip, Hooray!!!!
One question/request... We have found some real advantages to running on 64bit. Will you be making 64bit packages or are we stuck on the repos version.
Is there anything you need for 64bit support? Thanks again...
Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 8:50 pm
by haus
Not to pressure you, but I'm thinking of holding my breath in anticipation.
Seriously, though...really excited here...
Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 6:06 pm
by d0t101101
I'm also looking forward to seeing the Ubuntu package, thanks for maintaining it.
Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 6:14 pm
by rDr4g0n
im working on setting up a system and as a total linux noob, im sure ive fubard my current install pretty badly. cant wait for the new one
. . . delay till weekend
Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:43 pm
by PeterHoward
Unfortunately my "real" job has decided to demand a bit more time from me this week. So I won't be looking at it until the weekend.
On the 64-bit question - I just need a 64-bit build environment. My server now has an Athlon 64 but it's still running 32-bit Ubuntu. However, the versions that appear in Debian unstable and Ubuntu universe should be being built for X86-64 as part of their release process.
Meanwhile, zoneminder_1.22.3-10_i386.deb has gone into Debian "testing" which means that 1.22.3, at least, should end up in the next Debian "stable" release.
Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 3:51 pm
by Lee Sharp
You know how to make a 64 bit boot easy, right?
sda1 swap
sda2 32bit \
sda3 \home
sda4 64bit \
sda4 can be just a couple of gig. Easy way to test what is really 64bit OK, and still have your regular desktop. Now get to it.
If you need anything give a shout. I really want it since Ubuntu takes too long to build updates, and 1.23 won't be in until hardy+1.
Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 6:36 pm
by mrd
Any chance the new package will have ffmpeg support built in?
Thanks again for your work on this!
Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 12:20 am
by PeterHoward
[quote="mrd"]Any chance the new package will have ffmpeg support built in?/quote]
Not in the -1 package. My intent is to get ffmpeg back in and
working. The effort of getting ffmpeg working will hopefully not be
that much, but that's still more than just rolling the packaging forwards
. Hopefully not too long after that there will be a version with ffmpeg.
For those wondering
Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 12:32 am
by PeterHoward
If you're wondering why there
still isn't a package for 1.23.1, I describe the problem (plus a bit of followup discussion) over in this thread: ... 9288#39288
Progress . . . . slow, but progress
Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 11:10 pm
by PeterHoward
The missing perl library is now sitting in the package upload queue for Debian (thanks to the debian-perl-group). I've arrange that, once it gets accepted into Debian Unstable, it will get pulled across pretty quickly into Ubuntu Universe.
Then I can get back to packaging up 1.23.1
Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 8:21 am
by Flash_
Does this one fix the wee bug whereby the images/ events/ sounds/ etc directories are re-created by dpkg as hard directories, regardless of whether symlinked dirs already exist?
Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 11:12 am
by PeterHoward
Flash_ wrote:Does this one fix the wee bug whereby the images/ events/ sounds/ etc directories are re-created by dpkg as hard directories, regardless of whether symlinked dirs already exist?
I was unaware of that behaviour . . . . if you can provide me with a bit more detail (e.g. clean install, upgrade, "before" and "after" directory structures) I'll look into it.
Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 7:04 am
by Flash_
I posted about it here;
(Last two)
A fairly minor bug in itself, but lost me a load of footage before I noticed. (The joys of updating on fridays...)