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MythZoneminder and ZM 1.23.x

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 12:46 am
by gasmasher
Here is a tip for using MythTV and ZM 1.23.3. This all assumes that mythplugins has already been built and installed with ZoneMinder support.

The latest release of mythplugins is 0.21 and includes a ZM server for MythTV called mythzmserver. It was designed for ZM 1.22.x but it also works with 1.23.3. I had to comment out the version check in mythplugins-0.21/mythzoneminder/mythzmserver/main.cpp that would exit if the version didn't match a pair of hard coded version strings.

I know this isn't the proper way to do it, but it works for me. If can come up with a better version matching check I will submit a patch to MythTV.

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#ifdef ZMVERSION_1_22_2
    if (g_zmversion != "1.22.2")
        cout << "The ZM config file says it is version '" << g_zmversion << "'" << endl
             << "but we are configured for version '1.22.2'. Bailing out." << endl;
        return EXIT_VERSION_ERROR;
    if (g_zmversion != "1.22.3")
        cout << "The ZM config file says it is version '" << g_zmversion << "'" << endl
             << "but we are configured for version '1.22.3'. Bailing out." << endl;
        return EXIT_VERSION_ERROR;
I just added the comment indicators ( /* and */ ). Run the standalone make

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make -f Makefile.standalone
and then copy the new executable over your current one. You can find the current with 'which'.

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burlybadger# which mythzmserver
burlybadger# cp mythzmserver /usr/bin/mythzmserver