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ZM 1.23.3 on Ubuntu 8.04 (kernel 2.6.24-16) works great!

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 11:45 pm
by zonaboy
Just wanted to report back that I have ZM 1.23.3 running nicely on Ubuntu 8.04 (2.6.24-16). I was having a few issues initially, but after a bit of tweaking to get a clean compile, followed by some masterful assistance from Cordel to get my configuration correct, everything is humming right along.

some items of note :

1) Downloaded Ubuntu 8.04 64bit ISO and followed the standard installation procedure.

2) Downloaded ZM v1.23.3 and compiled it and ffmpeg (SVN-r13244) direct from source. I had to manually modify zm_mpeg.h to find a couple of ffmpeg header files which where in a different directory than expected. After that, ZM built fine.

3) My understanding is that ZM doesn't support v4l2 yet, but this version of Ubuntu (2.6.24-16) still has v4l support natively, so all is good there. FWIW - I saw some other thread where it was reported that kernel 2.6.25 and higher dropped native support for vl4.

At this point, all should have been good, but I had neglected to properly configure apache2 to find ZM and additionally had some IRQ conflicts causing the PV-149 to act weird. Cordel got me straightened out on both issues in short order.

so anyway, I just wanted to let others know that if you are looking to use a similar setup as mine... you should be able to get things working.


Excellent Work Zonaboy!

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 6:38 pm
by theorganloft
Good Job and Congratulations!

One question: What did Cordel find out of place? The ZMS and the IRQ?

Re: Excellent Work Zonaboy!

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 6:57 pm
by zonaboy
theorganloft wrote:Good Job and Congratulations!

One question: What did Cordel find out of place? The ZMS and the IRQ?

the main issue was that my /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-defaults file needed to be modified to point to the directories installed by Zoneminder (as opposed to the defaults for apache).

had to change : /var/www ---> /var/www/html in a couple of places and
/usr/local/cgi-bin ---> /var/www/cgi-bin in a couple of places.

after restarting apache after this change, I was able to see video/stills from my camera from within ZM.

He also noticed that the PV-149 was sharing IRQs with several other devices (cat /proc/interrupts), so he had me disable the (unused) FDD controller and Parallel port to free up some extra IRQs. Oddly, after a reboot my system didn't reallocate any devices to the freed up IRQs, but nonetheless, the capture card looked to be happier.

thats pretty much it IIRC.

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 3:40 am
by BitBass
I asked the same question on another thread but I thought I'd ask here as well. How do you disable the IRQ's?

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 4:55 am
by rdmelin
How do you disable the IRQ's?
You disable the integrated peripherals that are using the IRQs. Do this in the bios config utility. There is usually a note about how to access this at boot time. Typically pressing "delete" or F1 early in the boot process.

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 6:24 am
by kevin_robson
Good work. Any chance of a howto assuming you kept notes on exact syntax you used i.e. svn configure options, zm configure options, prereqs. There have been a few in the past but there always seemed to be stuff that wouldn't work.

Would be good to have a more recent guide.
