Axis Wireless (or otherwise) hacking
Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 6:34 pm
So, if you ftp the /etc/inittab file from a camera, uncomment out the telnet server line, and reboot it;
There's a reboot command, and what appears to be a scheduler (utask). I'm planning to try setting up my wireless cams (which are a bit flakey on staying connected) to reboot themselves. I have a cron job on my server that reboots them via their cgi, but if they've dropped off the wireless, that doesn't help.
Code: Select all
Linux 2.6.16 on a armv4tl (00:04:29)
axis-00408c8aa913 login:
There's a reboot command, and what appears to be a scheduler (utask). I'm planning to try setting up my wireless cams (which are a bit flakey on staying connected) to reboot themselves. I have a cron job on my server that reboots them via their cgi, but if they've dropped off the wireless, that doesn't help.