Does anyone know companies/organisations that would analyse video footage? I have some that was taken where a figure can be seen but the image is rather dark. I had infrared light at the time but this light is unusually reduced. The figure appears to be pointing something at the infared light.
Most likely for what you said the image is to dark you can try to use a filter in gimp and photoshop maybe but it not at all like TV where is magically happens with a click of a mouse thats all thous company do and some belending. Post screen shot maybe some one here can help i wouldn't be surprised
Two ways i know of open vlc and right click on video and Select SnapShot or easyer go to zoneminder click export and select image files and it will give you all the jpeg images of every frame
kingofkya wrote:Two ways i know of open vlc and right click on video and save image or easyer go to zoneminder click export and select image files and it will give you all the jpeg images of every frame
Hope i helped
It's better to export the jpegs, most of the video codecs are very lossy so you will have more detail in the jpegs. avi is great for review or streaming but it's usefulness for keeping detail is limited.
See if the image is RGB or greyscale. It probably looks greyscale, but I'm not sure what it ended up being. If it's RGB, make sure you check each channel seperately to see if one is cleaner than the others.