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Need suggestions for making one big /var from 2 disks

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 5:21 pm
by electron
I have recently setup a new FC8 system with 80 gig PATA drive for / and everything but
/var, for /var I am using 1 750 gig SATA drive, I have a 2nd SATA drive I was using for a HTPC setup, but now want to setup both 750's as one big /VAR for ZM. I'm using XFS filesystem now for the 750's.

What is the best way to combine these 2 drives ?

This mobo does not have hardware raid, & I don't want to buy a raid card for now.

Should I use logical volume management with ext3 format ?
or is there a better way ?

Thanks !

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 6:58 pm
by coke
I'd vote LVM with reiserfs. Easy to add/remove drives in the future. Pain to boot from, but if you've got your boot elsewhere, it's a wonderful thing. And it seems (to me, at least a couple others) that reiser's better for loads of smal files.

I got a new 750 to supplement the 2 360's I had already setup via LVM. It was about 2-3 commands before the drive was added tp the set. There are a variety of tutorials out there, google "pvcreate" "and maybe "resize2fs" and you should land on a good page.