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Integration with libgphoto2

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 4:30 pm
by cvance090685
After setting up a security system successfully with zoneminder, I still was unhappy with license plate capture for various reasons, bad resolution, interlace lines in fast moving vehicles, metallic glare at night etc... I know none of these are zoneminder's fault, they are limitations of the technology of cctv systems. Megapixel IP cameras would work very well, but are prohibitively expensive for many people, including me. I think a great way to solve this problem would be to integrate with gphoto2.

Gphoto2 allows you to remotely control many digital cameras right through the USB port giving you the option to take video, set exposure options, flash, exposure time, focal range, and many more options that I am not aware of. You even read the image right out of the camera's memory, bypassing the need for a memory card.

Say you need to capture a license plate far away, 720 x 480 can be a tough sell, but if you have a 5 megapixel camera, you could use a regular IR camera to detect motion, and use zoneminder to send a trigger to your digital camera to take a photograph. 5 megapixels would be great for capturing a license plate.

Has something like this already been started? Is there anyone else interested? Let me know.