No Streaming real-time feeds

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No Streaming real-time feeds

Post by dannylco »

Hi All,

finally i got work, i can preview the streaming event. However there have other problem. I am using Redhat 9 and Kodak EZ200 camera.

1. When I open the camera there is no streaming real-time feeds. My client is using IE6. Do I need to install or config something in my client side?

2. When I click "Stills", there is no picture. I think is the frequency too fast. Could you tell me where i can reduce the frequency?

3. Wheb I click 'stills' from the event, the little box is no picture. Do I need to install some component?

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Re: No Streaming real-time feeds

Post by zoneminder »

> 1. When I open the camera there is no streaming real-time feeds. My
> client is using IE6. Do I need to install or config something in my client
> side?
Using IE, you will have to install Cambozola to view streams. I recommend getting the 0.22 version from the Downloads section as later versions tend to corrupt the images.

> 2. When I click "Stills", there is no picture. I think is the frequency too
> fast. Could you tell me where i can reduce the frequency?
What do you see? A broken image link or nothing? I suspect that there is probably a capture problem if you don't see any image at all, check /var/log/messages for any error messages. The frequency of reload can be changed in the Options area, choose the bandwidth section you are using and modify the options. Alternatively just choose 'low' bandwidth to test with.

> 3. Wheb I click 'stills' from the event, the little box is no picture. Do I
> need to install some component?
If you are running in high bandwidth mode then no, in other bandwidth modes if the thumbnail scaling is not 1 then netpbm will be used to rescale the images. Select high bandwidth mode and check again or change the scaling in one of the other modes. It may be that the image is not actually being written however, so check the permissions you have setup will allow the web daemon to create directories and images under the events directory.


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Re: No Streaming real-time feeds

Post by dannylco »

Hi, Phil

>Using IE, you will have to install Cambozola to view streams. I >recommend getting the 0.22 version from the Downloads section as later >versions tend to corrupt the images.
I am already using cambozola v0.22 which download from here.
Just showing "Cambozola v0.22......", when i click on the display, than pompt up correct stream URL and FPS 0

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Re: No Streaming real-time feeds

Post by zoneminder »

Hmm, I'm not sure why 0.22 doesn't work. I had a bit of an issue with it when I downloaded a Windows security update, I think I had to modify one of the Java security settings to get it working again but can't remember exactly what.

When I have time (!) I plan to write a ZM applet to do the same job which will make it easier to support.
