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TCP Connection Not Closed after Closing Monitor View

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 7:58 pm
by jduda
I have stumbled on a problem, however, I don't know if it's with Zoneminder or Firefox.

Using firefox 3.0.1, I open a Monitor view and begin streaming the web cam video from server to my pc. After closing the Monitor view, I see that the TCP connection remains open and the TCP connection continues to stream the video from server to pc even though the Monitor window was closed.

I learned this after getting informed by my IT department that I was misusing company internet bandwidth. I opened a Zoneminder Monitor at work, only for a moment. After closing the window, the connection apparently continued to download 500Mbytes of traffic over the next few hours.

I can reproduce the problem at will now. I simply open a Monitor window, close it, then use netstat -a to see the open connection.

In order to close the connection, I have to completely shut down firefox.

I don't know if this is a ZM or Firefox issue.

I tried a similar test with IE, however, I'm unable to even get into my ZM site using IE. I assume the IE is some other issue.


Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 8:01 pm
by jduda
I just read the post titled "Firefox3 Final - DO NOT USE". This is the same issue. I should have looked first. Sorry for the chatter ...
