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Genius IPCam Secure300R works with ZM v1.22.3

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 2:32 pm
by pdown85
IP Network Camera with Six Night Vision Infrared LEDs. See: ... let-action

Fairly inexpensive - typically costs under £60 inc. VAT (UKP).
e.g. ... pNo=294343

Server configuration:

Linux CentOS 4.6 (Final) 2.6.9-67.0.15.EL
ZoneMinder 1.22.3
mysql Ver 14.7
PHP 4.3.9

About a day of tinkering around got this camera working with ZM (there is not a lot of documentation to be found on the cam).

The following works fine:

Source Type: Remote
Remote Host Name: username:password@ip-address
Remote Host Port: 80
Remote Host Path: /cgi-bin/getimage

It is also possible to use a sh script to grab a JPG from the camera and use the ZM file access mechanism:

Source Type: File
File Path: /path/to/my/image-file/secure300r_monitor.jpg

to display in ZM.

The necessary line in the sh script is:
wget -r --http-user=username --http-passwd=password -O /path/to/my/image-file/secure300r_monitor.jpg

(typically cron job to grab frames)

Gives a reasonable quality picture.
The cam has six IR LEDs so a (limited) night-time picture is also possible.

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 3:04 pm
by coke
Have you used it at night yet? I've not had good luck, heard much good about IR cameras. I'm curious as to the quality (day and night), and wouldn't mind a screen shot if you don't mind. The price sounds nice.

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 5:28 pm
by cordel
What kind of frame rate are you getting with your current setup?

Have you attempted or is the camera even capable of an mjpeg stream?

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 8:06 pm
by pdown85
coke wrote:Have you used it at night yet? I've not had good luck, heard much good about IR cameras. I'm curious as to the quality (day and night), and wouldn't mind a screen shot if you don't mind. The price sounds nice.
Don't get your hopes up about the night vision! The product documentation claims 5m for the IR LEDs. Well I've only tried it one evening so far in a moderate sized room. OK - but I don't imagine I'll be capturing much at the back of the garden 50-60m away.

Day-time (well early evening actually with the light on) picture:

No night time image currently available.

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 8:23 pm
by pdown85
cordel wrote:What kind of frame rate are you getting with your current setup?
Have you attempted or is the camera even capable of an mjpeg stream?
Configured for:
Max FPS 2.0
Alarm Maximum FPS 4.0

On screen seeing "Status: Idle - 2.00 fps","Status: Idle - 2.40 fps" and "Status: Alarm - 4.00 fps", etc messages.

Load on the console screen typically 0.75-0.99 (three other cams 2 x USB (Local Monitor) + 1 x IP (File monitor) also in Monitor mode).

I believe I am streaming? How would I know if I was not?

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 12:45 am
by cordel
ZM is likely streaming but, my guess with the url and more specifically your last post would lead me to believe you are only getting jpeg snapshots from the camera.

You can't set a min or max frame rate on a mjpeg stream on ZM, the camera would have to be regulated for mjpeg (set on the camera) since mjpeg just pushes the stream to ZM and there is no facility for ZM to tell the camera what to send and when to send it.

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 12:05 pm
by pdown85
cordel wrote:ZM is likely streaming but, my guess with the url and more specifically your last post would lead me to believe you are only getting jpeg snapshots from the camera.
I assume the IPCam's own page uses a video stream to the build-in web-server in the camera, but whether I am grabbing off that video stream or just grabbing still images in ZM I do not honestly know.

Frame rate configuration in the IPCam system page allows FPS of 1, 10, 20, 30, Auto (I am using Auto).

The IPCam configuration page contains the following HTML to display the image:

Code: Select all

<OBJECT classid="clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93" width="640" height="480"
<param name="archive" value="../applet.jar">
<param name="code" value="WebCamApplet.class">
<param name="URL" value="">
<EMBED type="application/x-java-applet;version=1.5"
No Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition v 1.5 support for APPLET!!
Which is how I found the "/cgi-bin/getimage" to grab frames with wget and hence used in the configuration I use in ZM.

The IPCam runs on Linux, but I have not as yet been able to get into it.