Hello all,
I have a fairly large ZM system that consists of 3 ZM servers supported by a 1.4TB storage box that exports storage shares to the ZM servers using NFS. The storage box is also the mysql server for the 3 ZM servers. The system works fairly well. The system supports 43 Axis network cameras.
The ZM servers are CentOS 5, and the storage box is Fedora Core 6.
My customer wants me to upgrade it to current as it is still at 1.22.3. I began the upgrade process tonight, shut down ZM, worked through the ffmpeg issues, backed upi my 1.22.3 mysql database, installed 1.23.0 and ran zmupdate.pl. It appeared to run OK. Then I tried to start ZM and it failed.
This is what was in syslog:
Nov 7 21:46:01 newjescam zmpkg[11528]: INF [Command: start]
Nov 7 21:46:01 newjescam zmfix[11535]: ERR [Config mismatch, expected 179 items, read 178. Try running 'zmupdate.pl -f' to reload config.]
Nov 7 21:46:01 newjescam zmpkg[11528]: ERR [Unable to run "sudo -u apache /usr/local/bin/zmfix", output is ""]
I also got this message when I tried to run zmupdate.pl:
No option 'ZM_SIGNAL_CHECK_COLOUR' found, removing at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/ZoneMinder/ConfigAdmin.pm line 1669.
Can you folks kindly point me in the right direction?
Darren Ellis
Upgrade to 1.23.0 from 1.22.3 Failed
I am basically asking if you used the same user and password as you had configured for your previous installation?dgellis wrote:I did do the freshen step, but I did not see anywhere in the upgrade docs where I needed to edit the zm.conf. Can you elaborate please, and point me to where I missed in the documentation? Thank you.