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a little improvement in montage

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2004 12:41 pm
by victor_diago
hi all, i would like to know if its possible to make a little improvement on montage..

i have 16 monitors, in my slackware 9.1 machine with 256 mb of ram (plus 256 of swap).

when i click on the "montage link" it open the screen with all the monitors.
the problem is : im using 1024x768 for my resolution in screen, and configred zoneminder to show 3 monitors in each
row. the first 6 monitors are well seemed, but the others get hidden. when i maximize the screen, they get to the half size, also showing just half of the image. if i put 4 monitors per row, they again get cutted.

all i want is to know if there is any possibility to make a improvement, like to make a little scrollbar in the right
to control the screen up and down, so i could view allthe monitors on the screen.

other thing could be to make the mathematic calc more efficient, like, if the resolution of the monitor is 1024x768, it could resize a little the showed images (in html or javascript) to fit the window. the images would be smaller, but we culd see all the monitors in the montage.

other (again) could be the option to make a sequential montage, like first you see 8 monitors , after x seconds all the monitors are switched to the others 8 monitors (like the "x monitors link").

i have putted scrolling=auto, but ALL the images get an scrollbar... i wish just one..

thanks for any help

Re: a little improvement in montage

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2004 1:19 pm
by zoneminder
Hi Victor,

I have completed a modification for the next release which allows you to specify the montage window sizes. This means that no matter what the native resolution of your monitors is set to, the montage windows will be a fixed size and image will be enlarged or shrunk to fit. So in your case you could make the montage size 200x160 and hopefully you'd be able to get them all in on your screen.

Once it's released and let me know if you think it would need any additional modifications.

