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Installing ZM 1.24 on Slackware 12.2 - howto

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 9:12 am
by nuck
Something I've been meaning to do for some time now is an updated howto for Slackware. I wrote this for is Slackware 12.2 and Zoneminder 1.24 specifically. I can't say for sure, but I suspect that with a little bit of "tweaking" these instructions may be enough to get Zoneminder 1.23.3 running on Slackware 12.2.

*** Caveat - Should you choose to follow my directions and something breaks "you own all of the pieces".

Hope it helps.

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 9:15 am
by nuck
Get a Slackware 12.2 system installed. -
Download the dvd from somewhere, burn it and boot it.
login and create your disk partitions by running fdisk
run set up and install the system (I'm lazy, so I choose install everything.)
Be sure to enable httpd and mysqld.

reboot and then login.

Edit /etc/httpd/httpd.conf and fix up apache by setting a hostname, enabling php and adding a virtual host.

Edit /etc/httpd/php.ini and change short_open_tag to on.

Copy one of the /etc/my-*.cnf files to /etc/my.cnf and edit as (if) required.

set up mysql databases with -

Code: Select all

mysql_install_db --user=mysql 
start mysqld - (needs to be running for perl tests)

Code: Select all

/etc/rc.d/rc.mysqld start  
update perl and install any dependencies - (make life easy and accept all of the defaults. Did I mention that I'm lazy?)

Code: Select all

perl -MCPAN -e shell
install MD5
install Bundle::CPAN 
reload cpan
install LWP::UserAgent
install Date::Manip
install MIME::Lite
install MIME::Entity
install DBD::mysql
install Sys::Mmap
install X10::ActiveHome
install PHP::Serialization
install Module::Load 
install ffmpeg dependencies -
go to ... ware-12.2/ , find, download and install the following - (they are all within 2 or 3 directories)

Install ffmpeg - on the same site you pulled the previous files from, in the multimedia directory, find the ffmpeg directory, go into the src dir and get these 2 files
then source the install file -

Code: Select all

. ./ffmpeg.SlackBuild 

which will download the latest svn, build it and create an installable .tgz. Install it once done.

If you want XAWTV for setting up and testing hardware (recommended) -
Download, build and install (read the included docs)
when configuring zvbi and xawtv use the options --prefix=/usr and --sysconfdir=/etc

download either ZM 1.23.3 or ZM 1.24 (hold off on 1.24 yet for production systems)
untar and cd into the zm-"version" directory and run -

Code: Select all

./configure --with-webdir=/var/www/htdocs --with-cgidir=/srv/httpd/cgi-bin \
--prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc > configured_this 2>&1 
then look through "configured_this" and if you are satisfied that all is good, run

Code: Select all

make > built_this 2>&1 
then look through "built_this" and if you are satisfied that you got a clean build

Code: Select all

make install 
or if you'd prefer to do a test run on make install, run

Code: Select all

make -n install > install_this 2>&1 
look over install_this and if you are happy with what you see, then run make install

while in the zm-"version" directory run -

Code: Select all

> source db/zm_create.sql
> use mysql;
> grant select,insert,update,delete on zm.* to 'zmuser'@localhost identified by 'zmpass';
> quit; 
and then run

Code: Select all

mysqladmin reload 
set a root password for mysql and lock it down. run the following -

Code: Select all

and finally

Code: Select all

cp scripts/zm /etc/rc.d/
chmod a+x /etc/rc.d/ 
You're done.

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 5:16 pm
by zoneminder
Thanks for this. It would be great if you could add it to the Wiki in the Distributon specific guides area.

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 6:01 am
by nuck
zoneminder wrote:Thanks for this. It would be great if you could add it to the Wiki in the Distributon specific guides area.
I got a start at it. If anyone else would care to chip in and help out with some of the formatting, please do. I'm not a wiki writer so any help would be welcomed.

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 2:22 pm
by orlandold
Will this instructions work with slackware 13? Anybody has any experience/recommendations in setting up a slackware 13 zoneminder box?


Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 6:16 pm
by Grischuna
First goes a 'Thank you' to nuck for this HowTo.
orlandold wrote:Will this instructions work with slackware 13? Anybody has any experience/recommendations in setting up a slackware 13 zoneminder box?

Orlandold, I have used this guide and it works for me on Slackware 13. I had to increase the shmmax to see the monitor but this info you can find easily in this forum.


Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 5:16 pm
by orsty3001
Is there something special you have to do if you are install zoneminder on Slackware 12 where you are using virtual hosts?

I followed your guide and have a problem with streaming video. Zoneminder is recoding movement, also I'm able to generate a video and view it. But streaming the live video does not work.