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1.24.0 - 2740 - shmget & Segmentation fault
Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 4:12 pm
by cyclic
1.24.0 - Build 2740
2.8GHz 4 core CPU with 4GB memory
Build from source on Mandriva 2009.0 32bit
Eventually, I “thinkâ€
shmget - SOLVED, Segmentation error - ongoing
Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 11:14 am
by cyclic
I have solved shmget problem by changing /etc/sysctl.conf to
kernel.shmall = 268424446
kernel.shmmax = 2147483648
Value determined empirically (experimented)
(However, would still like to find an authoritative way to determine an optimum value)
Result is now that the "missing camera display" is working ok.
i.e. All 5 cams working at 640x480
Segmentation fault:
Syslog message still occurs but only on 2 of the cameras as per previous post.
However the frequency has changed a little.
Momentary blank display on montage for the respective camera accompanies the log as before.
I previously lumped these 2 issues in the same post because I thought they had the same cause.
Clearly the "Got Signal 11" has another different cause.
But why these 2 specific cameras?
One is Fixed, other is PTZ.
Other Fixed and PT cams work fine.
Please does anyone have any ideas for possible causes / fixes.
Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 5:55 pm
by zoneminder
If you can follow the instructions in
this FAQ it might shed some light on why you are getting crashes.