"set control preset" window is empty (bug corecte
Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 10:32 pm
hello all
As i am in the process of writing a control module for the quickcam sphere ,
I noticed that the "set control preset" window comes up empty ,
when one clicks on the control "set" button .
I noticed some php errors in the apache error log and
traced this to the files :
(the version i use is 3740)
here are the diffs:
As i am in the process of writing a control module for the quickcam sphere ,
I noticed that the "set control preset" window comes up empty ,
when one clicks on the control "set" button .
I noticed some php errors in the apache error log and
traced this to the files :
(the version i use is 3740)
here are the diffs:
Code: Select all
[root@venus includes]# diff /usr/software/ZoneMinder-1.24.0/web/includes/actions.php /var/www/html/includes/actions.php
< }
< $sockFile = ZM_PATH_SOCKS.'/zmcontrol-'.$monitor[Id].'.sock';
> }
> $sockFile = ZM_PATH_SOCKS.'/zmcontrol-'.$monitor['Id'].'.sock';
Code: Select all
[root@venus includes]# diff /usr/software/ZoneMinder-1.24.0/web/skins/classic/views/controlpreset.php /var/www/html/skins/cla
< $presets[$i] = "$SLANG['Preset'] $i";
> $presets[$i] = $SLANG['Preset']." ".$i ;