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"set control preset" window is empty (bug corecte

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 10:32 pm
by bokusouchi
hello all

As i am in the process of writing a control module for the quickcam sphere ,
I noticed that the "set control preset" window comes up empty ,
when one clicks on the control "set" button .

I noticed some php errors in the apache error log and
traced this to the files :

(the version i use is 3740)

here are the diffs:

Code: Select all

[root@venus includes]# diff /usr/software/ZoneMinder-1.24.0/web/includes/actions.php  /var/www/html/includes/actions.php
<                 }
<                 $sockFile = ZM_PATH_SOCKS.'/zmcontrol-'.$monitor[Id].'.sock';
>               }
>                 $sockFile = ZM_PATH_SOCKS.'/zmcontrol-'.$monitor['Id'].'.sock';

Code: Select all

[root@venus includes]# diff /usr/software/ZoneMinder-1.24.0/web/skins/classic/views/controlpreset.php /var/www/html/skins/cla
<     $presets[$i] = "$SLANG['Preset'] $i";
>     $presets[$i] = $SLANG['Preset']." ".$i ;

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 10:38 pm
by newvisionantenna
If you are using the DVD install disk, do the following. You error looks familiar but I'm not around my notes right now to check.

Move it to the correct directory and delete the old controlcap.php file. Then run tar xfvz controlcap.tgz and it will fix it. I have already got the Orbit control script for mjpg_Streamer and it's now included in all new builds of 1.24.0. It's called mjpgStreamer.PM and was written by a fellow Zoneminder user.

You should be able to run "locate" from the command line to see if you have the file. You can also install mjpg_streamer on the DVD edition as it's available for Kubuntu 8.04. You then start up a stream and point Zoneminder to the local server. If you need any further help let me know.

Disregard, upon reading again it looks like you might have something else wrong. I figured I would leave what I typed so you would know there is a control script for the Orbit using mjpg_streamer.

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 12:28 am
by bokusouchi
Thanks , i know there is a script for the orbit with using mjpg_streamer.
(it works fine for remote cameras ).
the one i am working on , is for orbit cam running locally (without mjp streamer) .

As for the bug and fix i mentioned . it is not in the controlcap windows , but
in the small window that appear after clicking the set button in the controls
of the monitor window .

To get that , one needs to have checked "has preset" and "can set preset"
in the controlcap window you mentionned .

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 9:45 am
by zoneminder
Thanks for taking the time to track that down. I have done a fix here which will be in the next SVN.