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DBD::mysql::db error

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2004 5:36 am
by kevin1ab
I'm starting a new thread as I decided that it would be best to re-install the latest version
of ZM.

I started fresh, ./configure... runs fine but when running 'perl ./', I get the following

Saving config to 'zmconfig.txt'
Saving config to DB
DBD::mysql::db do failed: Table 'zm.Config' doesn't exist at ./ line 1270, <> line 74.
Can't do 'delete from Config': Table 'zm.Config' doesn't exist at ./ line 1270, <> line 74.

Looks like it's not creating zm.Config [?] and it didn't create the schema file to import into the db.
I tried installing 1.17.1 again with the same error so I must be doing something wrong as I had
1.17.1 basically running.

Any help is appreciated greatly,


Re: DBD::mysql::db error

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2004 5:41 am
by kevin1ab

Just found this after posting. I'll work on it. ... 94290c5a22


Re: DBD::mysql::db error

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2004 3:28 pm
by kevin1ab
Well, the database does exist so I must have some other problem going on.
Is this error happening at the point where the script tries to contact the database??


Re: DBD::mysql::db error

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2004 6:58 pm
by pchan
Maybe my other thread will shed a little light: ... 0862d66601

I got the exact "error" that you got above.
Sounds like you have the database created but no tables. Try to drop the database as Phil suggests in the above thread.

Re: DBD::mysql::db error

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 4:01 am
by kevin1ab

That was exactly the problem. I had manually created the database so I dropped it
and let the script create it.

