I was running a tail -f on my /var/log/messages file, and watching it when I started ZM (via web). I noticed the version check was showing the old version:
Code: Select all
Feb 27 12:19:46 Crimson zmupdate[12755]: INF [Checking for updates]
Feb 27 12:19:47 Crimson zmupdate[12755]: INF [Got version: '1.23.3']
This is strange as I used to be running exactly version 1.23.3, but I have since completely dropped and recreated the database and installed 1.24, in fact I am running 1.24.1 according to the web console:
Code: Select all
Fri 27th Feb, 12:20pm ZoneMinder Console - Running - v1.24.1 Load: 1.45 / Disk: 37%