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Need help with aquiring video with this card:

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 5:10 pm
by Paul82
So, Im new to Linux, Zoneminder everything. Im using Ubuntu, latest version. Had everything set up in Windows but got fed up with it, so I changed to Linux. However Im having problems getting the cameras set up.

I have a QSPDVR04 card. The chip says its Techwell TW6800. I found a picture on Tigerdirect: ... &imgcart=1

So I believe I have set up Zoneminder, but I think my problem is at the part where I have to find the source of the camercas, or the card. Cause I cant get any video. Anyone have any thoughts? Or perhaps this card is simply not compatible with Linux.
Thank you in advance,

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 6:14 pm
by Paul82
Doing some research, I believe the problem lies in the damn video card not having any drivers for Linux. the chipset is Techwell TW6800. If anyone knows where I can get this driver I would appreciate it a lot.

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 3:03 am
by kingofkya
if your intent is to use it in zm only it is a relly bad choice if it works at all
go for that is know to work see below