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Zoneminder install DVD 1.24.x changelog

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 7:14 pm
by newvisionantenna
Changelog for the new 8.04 Zoneminder DVD.

Here is a live VPS install running Zoneminder.

1.24.x includes everything from here with the addition of the following.

Zoneminder SVN 2859 installed with mmap memory on
Mjpg_Streamer SVN with all plugins and outputs
StreamMinder, complete GUI for controlling Mjpg_streamer

The following programs that work with Zoneminder

ZMviewer aka QT Viewer (setup and working)
jZMConsole server

I've verified FFmpeg with this newest SVN of Zoneminder works with every type of video generation. Mjpg option is also working when selected and used with IE7. I've left a default monitor setup on the DVD. Some details were changed to protect the source but if someone wants to see it in action let me know and I'll send you the correct details.


Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 10:06 pm
by newvisionantenna
If you want email's when motion is detected follow this link, ... Filter.pdf

If you want to make sure your purge when full filter is going to work, adjust it as follows.


login to http://(your host name) as an admin user
click "Filters"
for "Use Filter:" select "PurgeWhenFull"
set options to include
"Archive Status" "Unarchived Only"
"and" "Disk Percent" "greater than or equal to" "95"
"Sort by" "Id" "Asc" "Limit to first" "5" "results only"
then click "Save" up at the top ("Submit" will not save your options)
on the next screen, place a check next to "Run filter in background", then click "Save"

this will now be set to delete the first 5 events (the oldest 5 events) in the ZM database when disk usage reaches 95%
the filter will keep deleting events in increments of 5 events until disk usage is under 95%

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 3:42 pm
by punk_ecas
Since you already have jZMConsole working, you will upload a new DVD with that feature?

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 6:51 pm
by newvisionantenna
My DVD already works out of the box with the new windows client. The server portion and zoneminder is setup with the default admin/admin password. Just remember that when you install the windows client and make sure you set it to what you want before you type it into the login box on the client. I just tried it myself with windows xp connecting to my DVD build. All I can say is wow!! This program is just amazing and now people with windows can connect to a server anywhere in the world can have a professional looking GUI that displays all the camera feeds.

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 2:47 pm
by punk_ecas

I've installed this new version of your dvd. I thought that it has Kubuntu 9.04.
But that isn't the main problem. the thing is, on your demo you have auth_mode with hashed and it works fine. On my configuration, i can't see streaming video with hashed mode, i have to put it with plain or none, which is not the most secure mode.

Any suggestion to solve this problem?

I will try now the jZMconsole...

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 3:29 pm
by punk_ecas
jZMconsole is running ok. It is a real good alternative to zm console.
Now my problem is the hashed auth mode. I can't understand want is happening!

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 3:58 pm
by newvisionantenna
Just to clarify your saying you installed 1.24.x dvd and your logging in with admin/admin and can't see video on configured camera but can see the video in jZMconsole?

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 11:35 pm
by c0mputerking
Ok finally got around to installing your DVD let the testing begin here is a list of stuff not working for me so far.

1. Resolution is wrong 800X600 and i am not able to adjust it have done a bunch of digging on google for a kbunutu fix, and have tried several but nothing works.

2. I think your description of how to setup the purgewhenfull filter is wrong do not see any option about automatically delete events are you sure you don't mean run filter in background.

3. How is this thing sending email? postfix, ssmtp, bsmtp, email, sendmail the reason i ask is i need to change the outgoing port number. My ISP like most these days blocks port 25 so i use port 325

PS could/would/should probably work all these out for myself. but i guess i have become a bit lazy over the past decade working with UNIX/Linux.

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 4:47 am
by newvisionantenna
This is no problem, easy fixes.

1. The resolution is an easy fix. I'm away from my desk at the moment but on the desktop you should see an icon for system settings, it looks like a crossed set of tools. If not there it's under the menu icon that brings up all the programs, look at the favorite tab and you should see it there. Once you click on that you'll be looking at multiple options, look for the one that says Display. Click that and adjust your display as needed and make sure to check the box that says Save on Reboot or something to that effect. It's pretty much like how you would do it on Windows.

2. That's my mistake, yes click the Run in Background. Other then that it works perfect, have it running myself on my KVM machine and it does exactly what it's suppose to.

3. Postfix is install on there but I choose to use the new send option in Zoneminder options so I'm not sure exactly how that was working. If you click on webmin under the admin section you can log in and have an easy to use GUI for setting up Postfix if needed. That's what I use to send all my emails on my production server running my hotspots.

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 5:39 pm
by c0mputerking
newvisionantenna wrote:This is no problem, easy fixes.

1. The resolution is an easy fix. I'm away from my desk at the moment but on the desktop you should see an icon for system settings, it looks like a crossed set of tools. If not there it's under the menu icon that brings up all the programs, look at the favorite tab and you should see it there. Once you click on that you'll be looking at multiple options, look for the one that says Display. Click that and adjust your display as needed and make sure to check the box that says Save on Reboot or something to that effect. It's pretty much like how you would do it on Windows.
I'm afraid the option is not available for selection under display as it is more serious of a problem. Pretty sure i have to tweek my xorg.conf file, I guess i will dig more on the ubuntu forums
2. That's my mistake, yes click the Run in Background. Other then that it works perfect, have it running myself on my KVM machine and it does exactly what it's suppose to.
Ok thanks just a bit confusing thats all, and i seen some post from you awhile back having issues with this filter
3. Postfix is install on there but I choose to use the new send option in Zoneminder options so I'm not sure exactly how that was working. If you click on webmin under the admin section you can log in and have an easy to use GUI for setting up Postfix if needed. That's what I use to send all my emails on my production server running my hotspots.
The version of Postfix you have on the DVD is very hacked ie there is almost nothing in the I have gotten it to use port 325 i think by adding to this. however you have a hard coded hostname set to wifigator this also does not work with my server as it is not FQD. I will report back with the fixes for these ASAP
You'll notice there is a complete VoIP phone system included and running on there. That will probably use alittle more resources but can be removed if needed. I've had 10 AXIS cam's running on my DVD with only 1GIG or ram and they were all running 640x480 non stop recording. I didn't have an issue with it at all and watched the montage view for over an hour. I still like this jZMConsole and you should be able to use it on Vista. That other icon on the desktop ZMviewer also works, just seems to use more resources then jZMConsole.
I have gotten jZMconsole to work on my LAN i will try it remotly later today
One last thing, there is a text file on the desktop that tells you how to change all the passwords. The only thing that needs to remain the same is the Mysql password. This is not a security problem because you will notice that the phpmysql is protected by an additional .htaccess file. I forgot to include in the text file that there is a password changer now in the admin panel that will change the .htaccess password for all but the Freepbx install. The Freepbx needs to be hand editied in a .conf file that I'll have to dig up for you.
Also how do i get nxclient working? i always get a dialog stating that the service is not running (which it is i checked) and some authorization failed error this error i think it must be a key issue?

NX> 203 NXSSH running with pid: 17412
NX> 285 Enabling check on switch command
NX> 285 Enabling skip of SSH config files
NX> 285 Setting the preferred NX options
NX> 200 Connected to address: xx.xx.xx.xx on port: 22
NX> 202 Authenticating user: nx
NX> 208 Using auth method: publickey
NX> 204 Authentication failed.

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 5:59 pm
by newvisionantenna
Ok, I'm using NXclient now from windows Vista to connect to my desktop on my Zoneminder DVD install. I'm assuming you have it installed and not running it Live. Hmm, not sure why it wouldn't work for you. I've also had Chuck test NX from his house connecting from the internet to my install here in Germany, still working. I'm using the chuckoms/ifiw321 user name and password combo.

Since I'm looking at the Desktop now I clicked on the System Settings icon and then Display. There is a drop down box showing me a couple selections for resolution. I just check the one I want and make sure the box is checked to apply on KDE startup. Once again, wonder why it's not the same for you. Do you have some sort of AGP or PCI Express card in ther? You might need an Nvidia or ATI driver to get the best picture.

On postfix, I've spoke with Chuck and postfix was installed and only one two options were set, the pro-mesh name and under Webmin the option for sending Direct was saved. This may have changed something from the default, but I use the very same setup to send all my emails. You'll have to let me know how you refine it all to fit your needs. Try out Freepbx and put a VoIP phone on it and let me put one on it, I'll give you call on it :)

Glad you got jZMConsole up and running. I'm still working with it on the PTZ functions, looks very interesting. Try out StreamMinder and ZMviewer and see what you think.

Please remove your IP address and change any default passwords.

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 6:22 pm
by c0mputerking
could you try and connect to my nx and see what happens? I will pm you the FQHN. I also tried setting the key to default and still get the same error dont i need to import/export a key to/from the server or something.

ps i was logging in as admin admin but tried your chuckoms ifiw321 too, but still not working.

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 6:49 pm
by newvisionantenna
Hmm, the link you sent me is not working or atleast not letting me connect from here. I did put what I thought was the IP from eariler and it seems to show that error your talking about but I have no idea if that's your server or not. I tried just ssh access and it wouldn't let me in with the default info so I'm assuming you changed it or I'm looking at the wrong server. Just PM me the IP and the chuckoms password and I'll try again. I haven't changed up my system much with differnet users and such so I'm not sure how NX handles that. I would like to see it working for you because it's a powerful tool and works great with windows.

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 7:10 pm
by c0mputerking
Ok i have resent you the domain and ip I have not changed any usernames or passwords yet. What everything to work before i start breaking things again heehee.

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 10:48 am
by newvisionantenna
Did you get NX working on your end? Just curious.