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debian 5.0 - lenny

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 10:11 am
by cagnaluia

I tried to install zoneminder on debian 5.0, stable, LENNY.

But, without good results...

I would like install it by DEB, but dont exist any recent way to make this.

So I tried to install it followed the "manual" instruction based on source.

make install

but I have some knowledge problem to understand all of the steps, because all of the guide refear to old debian ustable distributions.

Somebody can help me with the correct instructions to install zoneminder, started from debian 5.0 Lenny ??


Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 7:28 pm
by henriquejf
well, there *is* a deb file that permitts zm intalation via apt-get install zoneminder; but it is not the latest version 1.24.1; im not sure where to find it, but google a little more and you´ll find the .deb or the repository to add to the sources you need;

if you use debian **i think you may** follow the ubuntu guide with no big problems;

i suggest this one: (you´ll get the latest version this way) ... ozola-0.7)

*** (copy and paste the whole link until the parenthesis close)

good luck !

edit: i think that will do it to the sources:

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deb etch main contrib non-free
deb etch main contrib non-free

# Debian Unofficial (contém o java, acrobat e outros pacotes "não livres")
deb sarge main contrib non-free restricted

# ZoneMinder
deb ./
deb-src ./
deb stable all
deb-src stable all
if it fails, you may find the .deb here ... der_ubuntu

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Afterwards we download the .deb from the maintainer website:


Next we install it with the following command:

sudo dpkg -i zoneminder_1.22.3-8_i386.deb 

as i said, its an outdated version, so the ubuntu guide is a better bet;

also, the zm download page mentions:
If you are a Debian user, Zoneminder is available in the "unstable" distribution. Thanks to Peter Howard for his considerable efforts in achieving this.

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 11:51 am
by cagnaluia
ok, thanks

I'll search to follow this last one

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 12:35 pm
by Verbatim
I've just done a few installs on Lenny.

The following is laid out such that if you're SSH-ing into the machine remotely then you can cut and paste easily.
apt-get install dropbear

Add the following line to your sources file :
vi /etc/apt/sources.list (and add the following line)

Then you can perform the following :
apt-get update
apt-get install zoneminder

You now need to add the link into Apache :
ln -s /etc/zm/apache.conf /etc/apache2/conf.d/zoneminder.conf
/etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload

You probably need to change a few things too once it's installed :
adduser www-data video
/etc/init.d/zoneminder restart

And now for the shared memory (shget) error that you're likely to get :
vi /etc/sysctl.conf

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# Memory Allocation for ZoneMinder #
kernel.shmall = 134217728
kernel.shmmax = 134217728

Some numbers for reference if you wish to increase the above :
67108864 = 64 Mbytes
134217728 = 128 Mbytes
268435456 = 256 Mbytes
536870912 = 512 Mbytes

Accurate timekeeping might be an idea :
apt-get install ntp

And if you want to move the directory somewhere else (/home for example):
cd /home
mkdir zoneminder
cd zoneminder
mkdir events images temp
cd ..
chmod 775 zoneminder -R
rm /var/cache/zoneminder -R
ln -s /home/zoneminder /var/cache/zoneminder

The ZM - Console is viewed remotely by ( is my machine) :

UVC Streamer (if you're using it) is viewed at :

And MJPG Streamer (if you're using it) is viewed at :

To test a 'regular' camera (not remote/UVC) :
zmu -d /dev/video0 -q -v

And finally, a few example commands/logs to find out what's going on :
cat /var/log/syslog | tail
tail /var/log/syslog -n 100

When configuring ZoneMinder through the http panel, if you're in the UK then you might prefer the Day-Month-Year format (Source > Timestamp tab):
%N - %d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 6:00 pm
by jbaylina
I had to make a link to ffmpeg in order to create videos.
ln /usr/bin/ffmpeg /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg

1.23 or 1.24

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 9:01 am
by papounet
this is more a question for verbatim,

when you get the package with apt-get, do you get the 1.23 or 1.24 version of ZM ?

I am interested in getting ZM 1.24 to work on Lenny

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 12:59 pm
by henriquejf
when you get the package with apt-get, do you get the 1.23 or 1.24 version of ZM ?
i suggest you check that by runnung

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apt-cache show zoneminder
or the name of the correct package;