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Logitech QuicCam Connect 0x046d:0x089d no image

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 5:28 pm
by Rick1
Hello, is there a way to get my Logitech QuicCam Connect to work with ZM?
First some info about my system and what i did so far.....

Mandriva 2009.1 (Spring)
ZoneMinder 1.24.1

Tested camera with:

1. Camstream: Camera works

2. XawTV: Works, can record movies with Microsoft AVI (RIFF) format as movie driver. Option window says: TV norm: unknown; Video source: zc3xx; Capture: Grab display

3. tvtime: doesnt work, says: input: zc3xx cannot open pivture device /dev/video0

First i tried to install ZM using RPMs following ... highlight=
Didnt work, see my post there.

So i decide to install it from source following ... rom_Source;
which worked after some minor issues.

I tried ZM in Firefox 3.0.10 and Opera 9.64 with the same results.

Device path is /dev/video0

I get just a black picture with lots of snow. It states Idle - 5.10 fps (in accordance with maximum FPOS setting) and gives a new picture every 5secs or so.
I tried many Device Format/Capture Palette/width/heigth settings and Video for Linux version1 and 2.
In Options/Path i tried /cgi-bin/zms and /cgi-bin/nph-zms
I think i tried almost anything i could think of, all with the same result, black picture or no picture at all.

I put the Debug Level on 9 and looked at all the logs but couldnt see any error message.

So, im stuck with this. Does anyone have an idea what else could be wrong? Or i just got the wrong cam?

Help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.