Big Proyect Hardware requirements
Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 4:52 pm
Hi, I am working in a big project for a Movie theater in my country. I have been installing some trendnet cameras with zone-minder but nothing bigger than 12 cameras at 320x240 30fps. For this project I will be installing 60 cameras with resolution 640x480 at 20fps or 30fps if possible. I was thinking on getting 30 to work in one server and 30 in other server. The servers running an intel core2quad 3.0ghz, 4 gig Ram, and 1 tera of hd running on raid for each server. Can zone Minder and my hardware config handle this amount? Do you have any suggestion? I will be using trendnet cameras since i have had good results with them and seems to work perfectly with zm 1.24.
Any suggestions are greatly apreciated. Thanks
Any suggestions are greatly apreciated. Thanks