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Big Proyect Hardware requirements

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 4:52 pm
by alberto_lc
Hi, I am working in a big project for a Movie theater in my country. I have been installing some trendnet cameras with zone-minder but nothing bigger than 12 cameras at 320x240 30fps. For this project I will be installing 60 cameras with resolution 640x480 at 20fps or 30fps if possible. I was thinking on getting 30 to work in one server and 30 in other server. The servers running an intel core2quad 3.0ghz, 4 gig Ram, and 1 tera of hd running on raid for each server. Can zone Minder and my hardware config handle this amount? Do you have any suggestion? I will be using trendnet cameras since i have had good results with them and seems to work perfectly with zm 1.24.
Any suggestions are greatly apreciated. Thanks

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 3:48 am
by mitch
900 fps/sec is certainly a lot to process, but it will depend on how much analysis zoneminder is doing too. Only real way to know is buy the hardware and test, but one easy thing to do is cut that FPS back, I am not sure what your application is exactly but generally 30 fps is quite high for security purposes.

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 3:44 pm
by alberto_lc
Thanks mitch, i will be playing arround a little with the settings to see wich configuration proves better.