I suggest the following tool: delete all generated videos. The functionality should delete both the video file and the information about the existing video from the database.
The motivation: it is quite easy to end up into a situation where the videos should be in a certain format and/or quality when delivered to an external organization. There are a few settings that work OK with Linux but usually do not work for Windows users and it is easy to make errors with these settings.
In my case I was not satisfied with the ffmpeg settings i first used and I need to create the videos again. It would be absolutely fantastic to be able to search and delete all created video files.
A tool for deleting and remaking all videos
This should do the trick. I haven't actually tried to use zmaudit to delete references to a movie that's been deleted, but I imagine it does.
Code: Select all
find ./ -name "*.mpg" -exec rm -rf {} \;
sudo zmaudit.pl
coke wrote:This should do the trick. I haven't actually tried to use zmaudit to delete references to a movie that's been deleted, but I imagine it does. Obviously change your path to the relevant directory, and *.mpg to *.whateveryouused.
Code: Select all
find ./ -name "*.mpg" -exec rm -rf {} \; sudo zmaudit.pl