I am testing out an Axis Q1755 camera at 1280x720 720p mjpeg, using on-camera motion detection and sending triggers to ZM via tcp and the zmtrigger.pl inet socket. The camera itself is set to limit the fps to 25, which I have verified by overlaying the live image with the fps and viewing through the camera's interface.
My monitor is set nodect and remote / http / simple using x.x.x.x. as the host and /axis-cgi/mjpg/video.cgi has the host path. Viewing the logs, I see:
Thanks for the reply!
I believe that my network bandwidth is sufficient, as the camera is on a 100mb network and the server is on a virtual machine on a1000mb network, both connected to the same gigabit switch. Also, during after-hours, when network utilization is low, FPS do not improve.
I am indeed using 1.24(.2) What do you mean by 'try it as mpeg'?
Your axis should support an mpeg stream out of the box unless you disabled it. Try setting up a new camera in ZM with the axis mpeg presets instead of the mjpeg presets.
I thought I was using the mpeg stream? ... rofile=zm2
Selecting the "Axis IP, 640x480, mpjpeg" preset returns a very similar subpath to what I am currently using, the only difference being the querystring.
The others use RTSP and a different path, /axis-media/media.amp, which was still giving me the same FPS (tested with RTSP previously)
While I don't know if it will be overly helpful, you might give a shot at using something like ntop to see what the network is doing. Not really sure how helpful it will be though.