ZM 1.24.1+ Problems and found Error
Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 5:36 am
i have fedora 11 (32bit + ext4) install/update it/ tuning and patched
all work fine and quick -- Load avarage 0.01 0 0
mysqld have -15 level (renice it )
but sam time i have message at time 01/01 03:00:00
this is strange (i read forum on this problem but not found solution)
maybe code programers insert in sourse dual check of date and time
and if found this situation recheck time?
and secon- sam time problem cameras view back wind if i manual disable it and enable
all work fine. (time to time all restore auto)/ cameras plugged on VPN
traffick a low on it.
ping delay 57..111 ms aver 60 ms
-- if cameras phisycly off preview wind not show nothing, but more best on this situation
view message - Cameras not plugged
Video server: MSI 780G + AMD X2 6000+
500G SATA HDD 7200rpm 16M
VPN work on Dlink DI-808VH
P.S. if need i shared my config for Tunning system for more powerfull and speed :)
PSS i add main page link for cgi script check IP camera state
and change default sort value to filtr Desc more actual than Asc sort
cat console.php |grep cgi
<h2 id="title"><a href="" target="ZoneMinder">ZoneMinder</a> <?= $SLANG['Console'] ?> - <?= makePopupLink( '?view=state', 'zmState', 'state', $status, canEdit( 'System' ) ) ?> - <?= makePopupLink( '?view=version', 'zmVersion', 'version', "v".ZM_VERSION, canEdit( 'System' ) ) ?> - <a href="/cgi-bin/ip.cgi" target="ZM ">Camera status</a> </h2>
cat ip.cgi
PING='ping -c 2 -q -w 2 '
LIST=`cat /etc/cron.t/list`
function CameraState() {
for ip in ${LIST[@]}; do
echo -n "${ip} "
R=`$PING $ip`
#>& /dev/null
if [ "$T" != "0" ]; then
echo "<img src='/serveroff.gif' width='16' height='15' border='0'> Off-Line"
echo -n "<img src='/serveron.gif' width='16' height='15' border='0'> On-Line "
R=`echo ${R}|tail -n 1|cut --delimiter="=" -f 2|cut --delimiter="/" -f 2`
echo "[ delay $R ms ]"
echo Content-type: text/html
echo ""
/bin/cat << EOM
<HEAD><TITLE>IP Statistics: `hostname` (pull 300 sec)</TITLE>
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Cache-Control" content="no-cache">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">
<BODY bgcolor="#cccccc" text="#000000">
/bin/cat << EOM
i have fedora 11 (32bit + ext4) install/update it/ tuning and patched
all work fine and quick -- Load avarage 0.01 0 0
mysqld have -15 level (renice it )
but sam time i have message at time 01/01 03:00:00
this is strange (i read forum on this problem but not found solution)
maybe code programers insert in sourse dual check of date and time
and if found this situation recheck time?
and secon- sam time problem cameras view back wind if i manual disable it and enable
all work fine. (time to time all restore auto)/ cameras plugged on VPN
traffick a low on it.
ping delay 57..111 ms aver 60 ms
-- if cameras phisycly off preview wind not show nothing, but more best on this situation
view message - Cameras not plugged
Video server: MSI 780G + AMD X2 6000+
500G SATA HDD 7200rpm 16M
VPN work on Dlink DI-808VH
P.S. if need i shared my config for Tunning system for more powerfull and speed :)
PSS i add main page link for cgi script check IP camera state
and change default sort value to filtr Desc more actual than Asc sort
cat console.php |grep cgi
<h2 id="title"><a href="" target="ZoneMinder">ZoneMinder</a> <?= $SLANG['Console'] ?> - <?= makePopupLink( '?view=state', 'zmState', 'state', $status, canEdit( 'System' ) ) ?> - <?= makePopupLink( '?view=version', 'zmVersion', 'version', "v".ZM_VERSION, canEdit( 'System' ) ) ?> - <a href="/cgi-bin/ip.cgi" target="ZM ">Camera status</a> </h2>
cat ip.cgi
PING='ping -c 2 -q -w 2 '
LIST=`cat /etc/cron.t/list`
function CameraState() {
for ip in ${LIST[@]}; do
echo -n "${ip} "
R=`$PING $ip`
#>& /dev/null
if [ "$T" != "0" ]; then
echo "<img src='/serveroff.gif' width='16' height='15' border='0'> Off-Line"
echo -n "<img src='/serveron.gif' width='16' height='15' border='0'> On-Line "
R=`echo ${R}|tail -n 1|cut --delimiter="=" -f 2|cut --delimiter="/" -f 2`
echo "[ delay $R ms ]"
echo Content-type: text/html
echo ""
/bin/cat << EOM
<HEAD><TITLE>IP Statistics: `hostname` (pull 300 sec)</TITLE>
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Cache-Control" content="no-cache">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">
<BODY bgcolor="#cccccc" text="#000000">
/bin/cat << EOM