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Zoneminder and Intellinet IP-Camera

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2004 6:50 pm
by andreasdahl

I have Problems to view the camera in Zoneminder, no picture is seen in the ZM-Console.
I create a new monitor called Cam1, camera is remote with IP-Adress, Port is 8080 and path is 'image.cgi?id=<userid>&password=<password>', the other settings I leave default.

If I click on Cam1 in ZM-Console a new window comes up, but in this window is now picture/stream from the camera.

If I call this adress with my browser, a nice stream is seen :'<us ... ode=applet'

Anyone here can help me?
Zoneminder v1.18.1
Camera : Intellinet Network IP Camera 550710
Page with cgi-examples: ... ns-cgi.php

Best regards


Re: Zoneminder and Intellinet IP-Camera

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2004 7:23 pm
by zoneminder
Hi Andreas,

Do you see any errors in /var/log/messages?


Re: Zoneminder and Intellinet IP-Camera

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2004 7:48 pm
by andreasdahl
Hi Philip,

I crashed my server :-(

I have to reinstall the complete system and install zoneminder once again. After I finished it, I'll post error-messages (if exists).


Re: Zoneminder and Intellinet IP-Camera

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 1:38 pm
by andreasdahl

Server is fixed an zoneminder is reinstalled.

Here are the messages from the log-files:

----- /tmp/zmpkg.log -----
Command: start
Executing: su wwwrun --shell=/bin/sh --command='/usr/local/bin/ check'
Removing shared memory
Executing: su wwwrun --shell=/bin/sh --command='/usr/local/bin/zmfix'
Executing: su wwwrun --shell=/bin/sh --command='/usr/local/bin/ status'
Executing: su wwwrun --shell=/bin/sh --command='/usr/local/bin/ start zmc -m 1'
Executing: su wwwrun --shell=/bin/sh --command='/usr/local/bin/ start -e -1'
Executing: su wwwrun --shell=/bin/sh --command='/usr/local/bin/ start -d 900 -y'
Executing: su wwwrun --shell=/bin/sh --command='/usr/local/bin/ start'

----- /var/log/messages -----
----- Port 80 is configured, Remote-Host-Path = image.cgi?id=xxxxxxx&passwd=xxxxxxx
----- I get no stream/picture
Feb 27 14:23:15 linux zmc-m1[4824]: INF [Debug Level = 0, Debug Log = ]
Feb 27 14:23:15 linux zmc-m1[4824]: INF [Got 1 monitors]
Feb 27 14:23:15 linux zmc-m1[4824]: INF [Request: GET image.cgi?id=xxxxxx&passwd=xxxxxxx HTTP/1.1 User-Agent: Zoneminder/1.18.1 Host: Connection: Keep-Alive ]
Feb 27 14:23:15 linux zmc-m1[4824]: INF [monitor purpose=1]
Feb 27 14:23:15 linux zmc-m1[4824]: INF [shm.size=23040448]
Feb 27 14:23:16 linux zmc-m1[4824]: INF [Initialised zone 0/All - 1 - 320x240 - Rgb:ff0000, CM:3, MnAT:15, MxAT:0, MnAP:50, MxAP:75000, FB:3x3, MnFP:50, MxFP:50000, MnBS:10, MxBS:0, MnB:0, MxB:0]
Feb 27 14:23:16 linux zmc-m1[4824]: INF [Monitor Cam1 has function 2]
Feb 27 14:23:16 linux zmc-m1[4824]: INF [Monitor Cam1 LBF = '%%s - %y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', LBX = 0, LBY = 0]
Feb 27 14:23:16 linux zmc-m1[4824]: INF [Monitor Cam1 IBC = 100, WUC = 25, pEC = 10, PEC = 10, FRI = 1000, RBP = 10]
Feb 27 14:23:16 linux zmc-m1[4824]: INF [Got 1 zones for monitor Cam1]
Feb 27 14:23:16 linux zmc-m1[4824]: INF [Initialised zone 1/All - 1 - 320x240 - Rgb:ff0000, CM:3, MnAT:25, MxAT:0, MnAP:2304, MxAP:57600, FB:3x3, MnFP:2304, MxFP:57600, MnBS:1536, MxBS:0, MnB:1, MxB:0]
Feb 27 14:23:16 linux zmc-m1[4824]: INF [Loaded monitor 1(Cam1), 1 zones]
Feb 27 14:23:16 linux zmc-m1[4824]: INF [Starting Capture]
Feb 27 14:23:16 linux zmc-m1[4824]: ERR [Invalid response status 404: Not Found]

----- /var/log/messages -----
----- Port 8080 is configured, Remote-Host-Path = image.cgi?id=xxxxxxx&passwd=xxxxxxx
----- I get a black picture
Feb 27 14:25:17 linux zms[4885]: INF [Debug Level = 0, Debug Log = ]
Feb 27 14:25:17 linux zms[4885]: INF [Got 1 monitors]
Feb 27 14:25:17 linux zms[4885]: INF [monitor purpose=0]
Feb 27 14:25:17 linux zms[4885]: INF [shm.size=23040448]
Feb 27 14:25:17 linux zms[4885]: INF [Initialised zone 0/All - 1 - 320x240 - Rgb:ff0000, CM:3, MnAT:15, MxAT:0, MnAP:50, MxAP:75000, FB:3x3, MnFP:50, MxFP:50000, MnBS:10, MxBS:0, MnB:0, MxB:0]
Feb 27 14:25:17 linux zms[4885]: INF [Monitor Cam1 has function 2]
Feb 27 14:25:17 linux zms[4885]: INF [Monitor Cam1 LBF = '%%s - %y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', LBX = 0, LBY = 0]
Feb 27 14:25:17 linux zms[4885]: INF [Monitor Cam1 IBC = 100, WUC = 25, pEC = 10, PEC = 10, FRI = 1000, RBP = 10]
Feb 27 14:25:17 linux zms[4885]: INF [Loaded monitor 1(Cam1), 0 zones]
Feb 27 14:25:20 linux zmc-m1[4888]: INF [Debug Level = 0, Debug Log = ]
Feb 27 14:25:20 linux zmc-m1[4888]: INF [Got 1 monitors]
Feb 27 14:25:20 linux zmc-m1[4888]: INF [Request: GET image.cgi?id=xxxxxxx&passwd=xxxxxxx HTTP/1.1 User-Agent: Zoneminder/1.18.1 Host: Connection: Keep-Alive ]
Feb 27 14:25:20 linux zmc-m1[4888]: INF [monitor purpose=1]
Feb 27 14:25:20 linux zmc-m1[4888]: INF [shm.size=23040448]
Feb 27 14:25:20 linux zmc-m1[4888]: INF [Initialised zone 0/All - 1 - 320x240 - Rgb:ff0000, CM:3, MnAT:15, MxAT:0, MnAP:50, MxAP:75000, FB:3x3, MnFP:50, MxFP:50000, MnBS:10, MxBS:0, MnB:0, MxB:0]
Feb 27 14:25:20 linux zmc-m1[4888]: INF [Monitor Cam1 has function 2]
Feb 27 14:25:20 linux zmc-m1[4888]: INF [Monitor Cam1 LBF = '%%s - %y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', LBX = 0, LBY = 0]
Feb 27 14:25:20 linux zmc-m1[4888]: INF [Monitor Cam1 IBC = 100, WUC = 25, pEC = 10, PEC = 10, FRI = 1000, RBP = 10]
Feb 27 14:25:20 linux zmc-m1[4888]: INF [Got 1 zones for monitor Cam1]
Feb 27 14:25:20 linux zmc-m1[4888]: INF [Initialised zone 1/All - 1 - 320x240 - Rgb:ff0000, CM:3, MnAT:25, MxAT:0, MnAP:2304, MxAP:57600, FB:3x3, MnFP:2304, MxFP:57600, MnBS:1536, MxBS:0, MnB:1, MxB:0]
Feb 27 14:25:20 linux zmc-m1[4888]: INF [Loaded monitor 1(Cam1), 1 zones]
Feb 27 14:25:20 linux zmc-m1[4888]: INF [Starting Capture]


Re: Zoneminder and Intellinet IP-Camera

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 2:36 pm
by zoneminder
Which distro are you using? And can you grep for ERR in any other files in /var/log.


Re: Zoneminder and Intellinet IP-Camera

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 2:43 pm
by zoneminder
Another thing to try is to force some debug output by sending a USR1 signal to the process when it's running. If you can't do that, edit zmc.cpp and add the line

zm_dbg_level = 3;

under the line that says

zm_dbg_name = ...

Either of these methods should add additional information to the log file.


Re: Zoneminder and Intellinet IP-Camera

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 5:51 pm
by andreasdahl
I'm using SuSE 9.0

There are no ERR in /var/log/messages :-(

If I edit zmc.cpp I have to recompile zoneminder - is it right?

Starting 'zmc -m 1' in a shell bring me the errormessage :
linux:/usr/local/bin # ./zmc -m 1
Not a JPEG file: starts with 0x0a 0x0a
linux:/usr/local/bin #

This errormessage is also in zmdc.log :
linux:/srv/www/htdocs # tail -f /tmp/zmdc.log
Starting pending process, zmc -m 1
'zmc -m 1' started at 04/02/27 18:35:25
'zmc -m 1' starting at 04/02/27 18:35:25, pid = 4979
Not a JPEG file: starts with 0x0a 0x0a
'zmc -m 1' crashed at 04/02/27 18:35:25, exit status 1
Starting pending process, zmc -m 1
'zmc -m 1' started at 04/02/27 18:38:05
'zmc -m 1' starting at 04/02/27 18:38:05, pid = 4988
Not a JPEG file: starts with 0x0a 0x0a
'zmc -m 1' crashed at 04/02/27 18:38:06, exit status 1

Is it possible my IP-Camera is not running with zoneminder?
Is it better to get another camera --> AXIS?


Re: Zoneminder and Intellinet IP-Camera

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 11:31 pm
by zoneminder
Hi Andreas,

Do you know that the image you are retrieving is a jpg? If you do a wget on the path and save it, can you view it in an image viewer?


Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 2:22 pm
by Andy
Hello People,

The camera supports what we refer to as direct image access. It gives you direct access to the internal JPG. This is different to the CGI approach mentioned above. The CGI command returns an HTML page with a JPG embedded, not an actual JPG. That is why it most likely fails.

The direct image access can be configured in the System Configuration of the Camera. By default a username and password is required;
The syntax would be:

Code: Select all


If public access is enabled you do not need to provide a username and password:
The syntax would be:

Code: Select all


Here's a live example - reload the page to see the most current image:
We assume that ZoneMinder supports this kind of universal syntax.

You can only use this syntax if your camera's Serial Number starts with MNC and if you are running at least Firmware Version 4.0 - but that should be true for most current Network IP Cameras.

I hope this helps. :)

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 11:36 am
by zoneminder
Thanks Andy. ZM should have no problem with the image path as you have described it. Just to be on the safe side I'll set up a monitor to your image url at some point and check!


Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 12:09 pm
by Andy
Hi Phil,

That would be great. If you could let us know the results of you test that'd be great.

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 9:10 am
by zoneminder
Hi Andy,

I've been trying to get to the image today to test and it seems to be unavailable. Can you confirm it is still there, or PM me an alternative url.


Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 5:14 pm
by Andy
Hi Phil,

Sorry for the late response. I must have missed the email notifcation.

The link is up right now.

Here're a few URLs to choose from:

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 11:54 pm
by cordel
Hi Andy,
Phil is out on a well needed vacation for a couple weeks. I'll test this out and post my results.

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 12:14 am
by cordel
In firefox if I select properties I get this error.
Alternate text: The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
I can see a clear differance in the jpeg headers but I don't know what to make of it. There appears to be more information imbeaded in your cameras headers than others.
Phil or some one else will have to take a peek at this as it is beyond me I'm affraid.