Archlinux and suexec

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Archlinux and suexec

Post by ttsoares »

This is in hope to help someone, somewhere, sometime.

Archlinux distribution.
- Install the basic system - you must know at least this :wink:

- Some (maybe not all) packages i installed:
- perl perl-oi-digest perl-xml-xpath perl-mail-box perl-event perl-dbi perl-uri perl-dbi perl-uri perl-timedate perl-unicode-string mod_perl perl-mime-types perl-libwww libmcrypt libtool libmysqlclient libpng openssl net-snmp ffmpeg mysql mjpg-streamer perl-net-ssleay perl-dbd-mysql perl-date-manip perl-mime-lite libical perl-archive-zip libzip perl-mime-tools xawtv libpng libjpeg freetype2 apache php

- You have to make your Xorg works not via framebuffer, because at this situation xawtv will probably not show image.

- I am using a USB cheap webcam. If you have a fancy acquisition board or something like that... you will need to make it work with xawtv to be sure that the device is working. Suggestion: "xawtv -hwscan"

- Build ZM from sources:
./configure --with-webdir=/srv/http --with-cgidir=/srv/http/cgi-bin --with-webuser=apache --with-webgroup=apache

- Install ZM (make inistall :roll: )
It has a problem to compile ?
Edit zm_utils.cpp and add this line:

#include "zm_utils.h"
#include <cstdio> ### ADD THIS TO ARCH
#include <stdarg.h>

- Configure MySql like you prefer...

- Edit /etc/php/php.ini to fix this:
open_basedir = /srv/http/:/home/:/tmp/:/usr/share/pear/:/usr/local/etc/
short_open_tag = On

- Start all services (mysql, apache, ZM)

- Edit /usr/local/etc/zm.conf to fix user and password. And take care of permissions issues to allow user apache to read this...

- Now all should work... Right ? But it did not ! Why ? Apache was compiled with 'suexec' module and this prevent ZM to get image.
How i fixed ?

- Build apache from ABS. The trick is edit PKGBUILD like this:

# set default user
sed -e 's#User daemon#User apache#' \
-e 's#Group daemon#Group apache#' \


--enable-suexec \
--with-suexec-caller=apache \

Possibly you will need to edit pkgver to accommodate apache sources version...

- Edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf to reflect this, with:

User apache
Group apache

- Now ZM should be working fine.

This could be a tip about other issues related to suexec. Take a look at

to find out if this is your problem...

The fact is a secondary aspect of Reality.
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