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New to this cctv stuff ....test camera

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 7:12 am
by droptopjim
I have a samsung SCC-130B and one of them pico2000 capture cards, i also have a pinnacle tv card with a video input that is bt848 based. the pinnacle card is auto detected. Now if i want to test this camera i got on ebay, can i just plug it in to the video input on a tv set? I havent got zm to do anything yet, i am using fedora 11, and selinux keeps going off. at this point how do i test the camera?

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 8:06 pm
by cordel
CCTV cams outputs a standard composite video signal or either NTSC/PAL/SECAM/etc.
As long as the TV/Monitor can support the standard that the camera is using it should work fine. Odds are pretty good that your cam will be the same as your TV.