I installed again the last version of zm v1.24.2 in Ubuntu 9,04 but now my cameras don't appear in the Firefox or other browser if I set the resoluion upper 520x390
example : web-cam server -d /dev/video0 -g 640x480
I checked and the resolution output flux is OK but I can see in ZM monitor just a white image on the page in the view browser popup windows. (with tools bar and -- none --fps).
But it's ok if I configure in the zm parameter until 320x240px
My cameras support 800X600 and more.. in this case I talking about Hercule silver 06f8:3004 or other made in china on my laptop
My configuration is http jpeg flux
and it's ok in the color result item (orange for monitor ? gree for motion .. ?)
The configuration resolution is ok and in the output html there are the tag :
Code: Select all
img id="liveStream" src="http://localhost/cgi-bin/nph-zms?mode=jpeg&monitor=4&scale=100&maxfps=10&buffer=1000&connkey=722459&rand=1255253136" alt="stream_XP_HSilver" width="640" height="480" /
I tested also with VLC flux, but I never can get any images
with local mode same problem... ? my camera is install on /dev/video0 and work fine
just the http jpeg work on my computer..
Could you please help me please ?[quote][/quote]