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human recognizing feature

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 8:38 pm
by johnnytolengo
Hi, I was thinking about how to do a modect or particulary a human recongnizing feature, it should be interensting for places like gardens.
My ideas began when I saw this link:


But I think for now is not so important to recognize faces, firstly maybe we can try to recognize a human body. I want to create plugin a logarithm which will process the images a detect human presence.

I hope some body help me a say me how to begin and how to add this plugin to ZM 1.24.2

Any ideas?

here more info:


Johnny tolengo.

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 12:05 pm
by KeithB
There has been discusion on this before, if you search for analytics it is an interesting read.