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Bug in cookies - ZM 1.24.2 and firefox

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 8:40 pm
by johnnytolengo
Hi, I have recently installed the new version of ZM and I began with a small problem. All works good but during the session the web client page stops working and is not posible to do something.

Refreshing the cookies (deleting the session and open a new one) the system runs perfectly but just for a while.

Do you know this little Bug?

I was looking the apache logs but nothing there...


Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 6:33 am
by kbsvr_com
I am having this same issue. My description is: Browser session appears to stop randomly. No amount of anything seems to restore it but to totally shutdown the browser to clear the session and start a new one. This is really annoying particularly when trying to set up the program config and adding new cams along with documentation windows open and more... very annoying.

I will search more in the forums but as it's fresh in my search I am posting this now.