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Front end for ZM

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 1:50 pm
by craver84
Hi everybody,
I'm writing because I have some problem
finding a frontend that works without headaches...

I need to prepare a PC with zm and the viewer too, this PC must work 24h per day and 365 days in a year. I need something very stable.
Before I upgrade my ZM to 1.24.2 I used xlib_shm and it works great, very fast, low CPU usage, good at all
Now, I can't use it at all because I always get segmentation error, and I can't solve it

What do you use as a frontend? I prefer not to use firefox... what about stalkercam? anything else?

Can I ask why the developer of ZM don't want to develop a frontend already integrated with ZM?
thanks everybody!

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 8:39 pm
by coke
There is a front-end (http://ipaddress/zm), it just may not be as friendly as some people would like it. If that's what you're referring to, I'd say the developer doesn't have time to rebuild the interface, and spends his available zoneminder (not ft job) time working on functionality & such.

There's a user contributions forum, if you'd like to make a nicer front-end and contribute it. :)

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 9:54 am
by craver84
I think that the ZM console that we can find at http://localhost/zm I think is great and
shouldn't not be modified.
I am reffering to the viewer. i don't like to use the Cycle / Montage function because
I believe that firefox will crash if it stays on to long. I also prefer something that can use
all the screen available.
As I said before, xlib_shm was great but I don't know why I can't use it anymore.
Now I am tring zmviewer, is a good software, but the image is not so fluid like xlib
Maybe is only a setting problem, if someone can help me it would be great!

xlib_shm ?

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 3:06 pm
by VF
I'm experiencing the same problem for the viewer, as you: Firefox crashes and I would have some stable viewer (24/7 all days).
I'm still using zm 1.23....could you explain me, please how to use that xlib_shm viewer?


Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 3:27 pm
by craver84
With ZM 1.23 I just open terminal and in the folder of xlib_shm (that you can unzip everywhere, also in your home) I type

Code: Select all

sudo ./xlib_shm -m1 -m2 -m3 -m4 -k 0x7a6d0000 
if xlib_shm doesn't work you can try with xlib_shm-gl.
i can't tell you nothing more, I can't use it now

I'm trying zmviewer now, but for what I need is useless at all.
If I show 4 cameras, the images are freeze.

Access denied

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 4:31 pm
by VF
I've tried both version 0.6.4 and 0.6.4-gl... I've made a link to the correct location of zm.conf, but the answer is "Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)" for sudo /home/Scrivania/xlib_shm-0.6.4/xlib_shm -m1....

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 5:03 pm
by craver84
Scusa, ma sei italiano?

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 10:54 pm
by kingofkya
are you useing mapped memory by chance because that viewer only works with shared also chck shared mem key mine was wrong by defualt

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 9:58 am
by craver84
Hi, can you help me to check it please?