How to find the picture matching a given timestamp?

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Joined: Thu Dec 10, 2009 11:54 am

How to find the picture matching a given timestamp?

Post by skier »

Is there an easy and reliable way to find the recorded picture that is closest to a given timestamp (eg 2009-12-31 12:48:27)?

I have deep storage turned on, so the directories are sensibly named and do help with that, but if I want to do that from a script then it's not a totally trivial matter to deal with all the subcases. If the function already exists and is somehow callable I'd rather not reinvent the wheel.

The purpose is to make a composite with the pictures from all cameras, with a best-effort attempt at taking the same instant on all of them (though I very well realize it may not be possible if eg they don't all have the same frame rate). And then doing that repeatedly to generate a time-lapse movie (eg one frame every couple of mins or so), while still leaving the mocord on higher frame rate.