web front end forbidden access

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web front end forbidden access

Post by aussie_1968 »


i have installed 64bit zoneminder v1.24.2 on f10.

then created the db using the following:

Code: Select all

mysql mysql --password=myPasswd < db/zm_create.sql
grant select,insert,update,delete on zm.* to 'zmuser'@localhost identified by 'zmpass';
just in case.
i can log into the db using the zmuser and look at the table data.

the /etc/zm.conf file has not been touched.

then removed the line from zoneminder.conf file in http/conf.d folder to be able to use the web interface.
also did chown -R apache:apache on /usr/share/zoneminder/www folder just in case.

i can see the web page just fine.
i can see pages such as "options" and "add new monitor" as well.

in the options window, i can save changes, but saving anything in the
email tab gives me a

Code: Select all

forbidden You don't have permission to access /zm/index.php on this server." error.
in the add new monitor window, as soon as i select a tab i get the same message as above.

i have already checked the "FollowSymLinks" and they are set.
the logs do not give me any errors.

i can not increase the amount of debug output, as it is "forbidden".
can i change that in the db directly ?

could there be an issue because the web interface can not connect to the db ?

found somewhere that kernel.shmmax should be set to 134217728.
i have oracle on the box which has set this value to about 5 times the amount.

any ideas ?

Posts: 14
Joined: Sat May 10, 2008 2:07 pm

Post by aussie_1968 »


this is becoming depressing.
i heard so many good things about zm and now i can not get the web interface to work to be able to use it.
this should be the easy part, right ?

i have reinstalled it, played around with permissions, moved files into the
default www location and all.
still can not get it to work.

if i read the php files correctly, then it would give me an error if it could not
connect to the database, but i do not get any errors at all.
the log files tell me about page access, but not for the ones when the
error occurs.

when pressing the "filter" button, a window opens with the following URL and it has the forbidden message in it.

Code: Select all[terms][0][attr]=DateTime&filter[terms][0][op]=%3C&filter[terms][0][val]=now
can someone point me to a location where the web interface is being
developed or where there is more discussion about it ?

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Post by whatboy »

I was getting that...

so I did...

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO user@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'user'spasswd';

the % means localhost, and your domain name...

and ofcourse edit the zm.conf
Posts: 14
Joined: Sat May 10, 2008 2:07 pm

Post by aussie_1968 »

thanks for the reply.

i have executed this before, but have executed it again,
just to make sure, but unfortunately it does not fix the problem.
when executing it, it says "0 rows affected". is that normal ?

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Post by whatboy »

Yes it is normal...

Let me tell you how I end up with that error, and how I fix it...

I wanted to upgrade my server from Fedora 10 to Fedora 12, but doing it on the same server would meant to shut it down a weather service I have for days, and that wasn't an option, so I set it up the upgrade at work, but made a mistake of of creating the / partition as XFS right now gparted can't shrink that partition so I had to make another disk and create an EXT4 then copy the whole XFS to this new one, then shrink it and burn it to DVD so I could take it home, and then did the oposit procedure so it would be like at work, well it work for a while, suddenly things started to go crazy, shit happen for no apparent reason, and when I installed zoneminder that's when I got that error, so I fsk that sht, and started again, but this time with ext4 partition, and now, everything is ok, except for the problem that most Fedora 12 users have, which is the Replay Mode, can set to gapless event, and there's a work arround thought, I'm happy!!!
Posts: 14
Joined: Sat May 10, 2008 2:07 pm

Post by aussie_1968 »

very strange.
i can not imagine it being the ext4 file system.

setting my server up would take weeks, so starting from scratch is not an option.

there has to be a way. it is only a permission problem.
i am a software developer, but my php is a bit rusty :P