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Live picture delay and cotrolling a PTZ

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 3:54 pm
by Paranoid
Ever since I upgraded to 1.24 I have been experiencing a live picture delay which makes it difficult controlling a PTZ.

I've been experimenting with various parameters to see what will impact the delay time and found that the only parameter that affects the delay is the "max fps" setting. I found the following delays with the various settings:

25fps < 1 second, just about noticeable
10fps ~ 1 second
5fps ~ 2 seconds
1fps ~ 10 seconds.

It seems to me that the live stream gets about the 10th frame in the image buffer which results in this delay. I usually have the fps set to 5 which make it difficult to control the camera due to a 2 sec delay.

Is there any setting I can use that would force ZM to use the first image in the frame buffer instead of about the 10th?

Is this delay a feature or a bug?