Change Zones with State change

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Change Zones with State change

Post by Flav »

I need change zones for the night state but it is impossible in ZM i'v juste add a cron job for change state and modifi zones

here for change state

But somme changes

After compile c program

2) Find your location (GPS or in google maps/earth)
3) Create script like this

Code: Select all

#! /bin/bash 
# /root/timeup  
# Author: fvillant 
# Date: 2007.10.10.
# Recuperation du lever et du coucher du Soleil a Porto-Vecchio pour la date du lendemain

/root/sunrise `date -d "+1 day" "+%Y %m %d"` 41.41 -9.22
4)Edit /etc/crontab and fix line where you enter the command line you nerver add something before !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4.1) At the end ad the commande line 30 23 * * * root /root/editcron

5) Create a script /root/editcron

Code: Select all

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# 28 Janvier 2010 Creation Flavien Villant
# Edition crontab pour modification sunset
# sunrise selon le jour et l'heure la la
system("/root/timeup > sun.txt");
@arr = <FILE>;
for $line (@arr) {
chomp $line;
# Recuperation des horaires

$sunsetrise = "# Mode Jour/Nuit Zoneminder ".$Line." NE PAS DECOMMENTER";
$jour = $sunriseM." ".$sunriseH." * * * root /root/zmday";
$nuit = $sunsetM." ".$sunsetH." * * * root /zmnight";



my @crn = <FILE>;

$crn[23] = $sunsetrise;
$crn[24] = $jour;
$crn[25] = $nuit;

open(FILE, ">/etc/crontab") || die "Erreur E/S:$!\n";
foreach my $ligne (@crn) {
    chomp $ligne;
    print FILE "$ligne\n";

system("chmod 754 /etc/crontab");
system("chmod +x /etc/crontab");

In my crontag the line with the script are the 24 and 25 but in pearl the first line is the 0

Creat two files

zmday code :

Code: Select all

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# 20 Fevrier 2010 Creation Flavien Villant

# databse connection info ...
$username = "zmuser";
$password = "zmpass";
$database = "zm";
# @host = ("localhost");

# Insertion SQL Zones de Jour
system("mysql --user=".$username." --password=".$password." ".$database." < /root/ZonesDay.sql");
# Lancement ZM Mode State Jour
system("/usr/bin/ Day");

zmnight code :

Code: Select all

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# 20 Fevrier 2010 Creation Flavien Villant

# databse connection info ...
$username = "zmuser";
$password = "zmpass";
$database = "zm";
# @host = ("localhost");

# Insertion SQL Zones de Nuit
system("mysql --user=".$username." --password=".$password." ".$database." < /root/ZonesNight.sql");
# Lancement ZM Mode State Nuit
system("/usr/bin/ Night");
The ZonesNight.sql and ZonesDay.sql in this scripts are two SQL export of the zone table, one for the day and one for the night.
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