I am new here having found ZM when looking into buying an IP camera. I am also by no means an expert with Linux, getting a bit lost when moving into command line mode, though I can follow instructions fine. It is just I do not know all of the commands off by heart.
I installed ZM on a test CentOS 5.4 box and attached to a firend's Panasonic BL-C140 over the www to get to grips with the programme. I have to say I am well impressed!!
For a variety of reasons I ended up buying a Y-Cam Black SD and installed a monitor for that alongside the Panasonic monitor, with the Y-Cam on my LAN of course. Again, all ran fine, apart from getting too many events as i was using only the default "all" zone.
Feeling confident I added ZM to my Scalix e-mail/webserver CentOS 5.4 box, running on a Dell Inspiron with 1GB RAM, AMD64 Dual Core Processor 3800+ and 160GB HDD with about 100GB free space. Again everything ran smoothly and I was a happy bunny ready to experiment with zones etc (well, for a while I was).
I am not sure if I did something but things began to go a little pear-shaped. In the end I decided to start from a clean CentOS install, so rebuilt the machine with CentOS 5.4, Scalix Collaboration Suite and ZM following the ZM CentOS Wiki very carefully. I reloaded the Scalix mailboxes and websites to get me back to where i thought I had been before the problems. This seemed to solve the issues but again only for a while.
I still have both IP cameras connected and the Panasonic way off across the www seems fine on monitor m2 but my Y-Cam on my LAN on m4 (I started off with m1 and m2 but have deleted a couple of monitors as I have tried to track down my probs) is irratic to say the least.
I have trawled this forum and seem to have all the problems people experience from the 01/01/1970 (in my case) dated events with negative duration, through no events being triggered/recorded, to all sorts of errors in the messages log file. These include Backtraces, exited abnormally and others.
What is strange is that I can do a service restart on ZM and solve or do not solve the evet triggering or get periods where events suddendly stop being triggered/recorded and then start again without any intervention. So far I cannot recognise any pattern.
As mentioed above, I have done a complete OS reinstall, deleted and recreated monitors and played with zones, sensitivities and buffers but nothing has solved the issues or helped me narrow down the problems.
I am now at a complete loss as to "where next" to track down my problems, which I am sure relate to one error somehwere causing a cascade of problems.
I am also at something of a loss as to what to actually post here in terms of extracts from the logs, so this note is really a cry for help and a request for "where do I/we start" to get to a solution.
If possible I would like to avoid having to re-install CentOS and Scalix again as that takes a few hours and is a pain.
The only saving grace at the moment is that the Y-Cam is happily recoding everything onto its SD card, but that is not where I want to be as i think ZM is a far more comprehensive package.
It has crossed my mind that the fact that I am capturing on the SD card in the camera itself and therfore have zones in the camera triggering its events might be part of the problem but I simply don't have enough experience with ZM to call that one. (I cannot remeber whether the above issues start before or after I started recording to the camera's SD card)
Anyway, I hope this has captured the attention of everyone who likes to get their teeth into little imponderables like this.
