I've been using Zoneminder for a long time now, what is the best way to get my modifications into zoneminder?
The largest modification I have to the code is to scan the image for a UK registration plate from a vehicle, this is then stored with the alarm event. I have spent several months perfecting this now and I feel its ready for you all to play with.
How should I pack my modifications for you people to use?
While you're at it, are UK and US plates different enough (hell, ours change by state or what baseball team you like) that it'll only work on UK plates?
That'd be a great mod if it works, especially since I just installed cameras on all of our garage doors.
What is the status on this? I am getting a lot of request for capturing plates, I would like to setup something and be able to show it. My other option is a very fast megapixel cam with IR flash to get good images of plates.
I wonder how this will work with US plates, some of them like the ones we have here in FL have something right in the middle of the plate, so it makes for interesting viewing, I have got to see if the plate can be illuminated such that only the tag number is visible, if not the big orange in the middle of a FL plate is a PITA. [/img]
Yes. I just set up a plate and illuminated it with IR, lost all of the lettering, so that means that the tag is set up as a big reflector for LIDAR... there has to be some wave length that will give me a good reading, they are installing tag readers on the turnpikes around here.