PTZ with uvcdynctrl for Logitech Orbit Cam
Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 1:38 pm
Hi there,
I'm not good at coding and the script might even hurt your camera. I played with the script an stuff from this post ... ht=control
I messed around with it and it really looks bad, but it moves my cam. Hardcoded the video-device to my video1.
So here is what it looks like:
Name the script as an put it in /usr/share/perl5/ZoneMinder/Control or where your Perl-modules from your Zoneminderinstallation is.
Set the Cam as Controllable (remember to to check OPT_CONTROL in Option/System). click EDIT beside 'Control Type', then 'Add new control'. Name it to QuickcamSphere (although you can name it to whatever you want), Type Local, Protocol QuickcamSphere (this is important, name it exactly like that) Dont check Can Wake, Can Sleep, Can Reset. On the Move Tab check Can Move and Can Move Relative. On the Pan-Tab Check Can Pan, Min Pan Range -7000, Max Pan Range 7000, Min Pan Step 10 and Max Pan Step 10. Other stuff there unchecked. On the Tilt-Tab Check Can Tilt, Min Tilt Range -2500 and Max Tilt Range 2500, Min Tilt Step 10 and Max Tilt Step 10. everything else unchecked. Dont touch the other Tabs. Hit Save, close the Control Capabilities window. On your Monitor click Buffer-Tab (or any other) and back to Control zu select your new Control Type.
Hit Save. Almost done
When vieving the monitor, there is the 'Control' Link. hit that, you get some arrows. Try them, it should work.
AS I SAID. NO WARRANTY. Of course you have to habe libwebcam and uvcdynctrl as described here
get this working on the commandline first make sure it works there with e.g.
Well, i messed up the module, but it works. when you do a
there should be no output/error. This happend with the original script (Thanks a lot for that by the way to bokusouchi), and it would not load. In zmcontrol.log you get a
Well, i guess thats it. Have fun feel free to ask when having Problems. Thanks to the whole Zomeninder-Team for their great Software.
Maybe someone with Knowledge in Perl can somehow clean up the mess i made in the module
I'm not good at coding and the script might even hurt your camera. I played with the script an stuff from this post ... ht=control
I messed around with it and it really looks bad, but it moves my cam. Hardcoded the video-device to my video1.
So here is what it looks like:
Code: Select all
# ==========================================================================
# ZoneMinder QuickcamSphere Control Protocol Module, $Date: 2009-02-08
# Copyright (C) 2009 Bokusouchi
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# ==========================================================================
# This module contains the implementation of the QuickcamSphere camera control
# protocol
package ZoneMinder::Control::QuickcamSphere;
use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Handle;
use File::Basename;
use File::Find;
# These are the elements you can edit to suit your installation
# ==========================================================================
use constant DBG_ID => "QuickcamSphere"; # Tag that appears in debug to identify source
use constant DBG_LEVEL => 0; # 0 is errors, warnings and info only, > 0 for debug
# ==========================================================================
require ZoneMinder::Base;
require ZoneMinder::Control;
our @ISA = qw(ZoneMinder::Control);
our $VERSION = $ZoneMinder::Base::VERSION;
# ==========================================================================
# QuickcamSphere Control Protocol
# ==========================================================================
use ZoneMinder::Debug qw(:all);
use Time::HiRes qw( usleep );
use constant SYNC => 0xff;
use constant COMMAND_GAP => 100000; # In ms
my $untainted_device = 'video1';
my $device_temp_file = '/tmp/dynctrl.tmp';
sub new
my $class = shift;
my $id = shift;
my $self = ZoneMinder::Control->new( $id );
bless( $self, $class );
srand( time() );
return $self;
my $self = shift;
my $class = ref($self) || croak( "$self not object" );
my $name = $AUTOLOAD;
$name =~ s/.*://;
if ( exists($self->{$name}) )
return( $self->{$name} );
Fatal( "Can't access $name member of object of class $class" );
sub open
my $self = shift;
$self->{state} = 'open';
sub close
my $self = shift;
$self->{state} = 'closed';
sub printMsg
my $self = shift;
my $msg = shift;
my $msg_len = length($msg);
Debug( $msg."[".$msg_len."]" );
sub moveRelUp
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $tiltstep = $self->getParam( $params, 'tiltstep' );
Debug( "Step Down" );
my $pan_min=$self->{Monitor}->{MinPanRange};
my $pan_max=$self->{Monitor}->{MaxPanRange};
my $tilt_min=$self->{Monitor}->{MinTiltRange};
my $tilt_max=$self->{Monitor}->{MaxTiltRange};
my $pan_cur=$self->{Monitor}->{pan_cur};
my $tilt_cur=$self->{Monitor}->{tilt_cur};
my $focus_cur=$self->{Monitor}->{focus_cur};
my $panstep=0;
if ($tilt_cur + $tiltstep > $tilt_max) {
$tiltstep = $tilt_max - $tilt_cur;
Debug( "panstep=$panstep tiltstep=$tiltstep ,before untaint" );
my $untaint1="0";
my $untaint2="0";
($untaint1)="$panstep"=~ /^(-?[0-9]+)$/;
Debug ("untaint1= $untaint1");
($untaint2)="$tiltstep"=~ /^(-?[0-9]+)$/;
Debug ("untaint2= $untaint2");
my $untainted_device="video1";
#($untainted_device) =$self->{Monitor}->{uvcdynctrl_device}=~ /^([\w.</Debug>{Monitor}->{pan_cur}=$pan_cur;
my $device_temp_file=$self->{Monitor}->{device_temp_file};
my $fh=IO::Handle->new();
Debug( "device_temp_file=$device_temp_file");
CORE::open($fh,">","$device_temp_file") || die("Cannot open $device_temp_file");
CORE::print($fh "$pan_cur:$tilt_cur:$focus_cur");
Debug( "Moving to $pan_cur,$tilt_cur \n" );
$tiltstep = $tiltstep * 64 ;
$panstep = $panstep * 64 ;
Debug( "real_panstep = $panstep real_tiltstep = $tiltstep\n" );
if ( $tiltstep == 0 )
CORE:system("/usr/bin/uvcdynctrl" ,"-d", $untainted_device ,"-s","Tilt (relative)" ,"--","$tiltstep") ;
if ( $panstep == 0 )
CORE:system("/usr/bin/uvcdynctrl" ,"-d",$untainted_device ,"-s","Pan (relative)" ,"--","$panstep") ;
if ( $tiltstep != 0 )
CORE:system("/usr/bin/uvcdynctrl" ,"-d", $untainted_device ,"-s","Tilt (relative)" ,"--","-$tiltstep") ;
CORE:usleep (400);
if ( $panstep != 0 )
CORE:system("/usr/bin/uvcdynctrl" ,"-d",$untainted_device ,"-s","Pan (relative)" ,"--","$panstep") ;
CORE:usleep (400);
sub moveRelDown
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $tiltstep = $self->getParam( $params, 'tiltstep' );
Debug( "Step Down" );
my $pan_min=$self->{Monitor}->{MinPanRange};
my $pan_max=$self->{Monitor}->{MaxPanRange};
my $tilt_min=$self->{Monitor}->{MinTiltRange};
my $tilt_max=$self->{Monitor}->{MaxTiltRange};
my $pan_cur=$self->{Monitor}->{pan_cur};
my $tilt_cur=$self->{Monitor}->{tilt_cur};
my $focus_cur=$self->{Monitor}->{focus_cur};
my $panstep=0;
if ($tilt_cur + $tiltstep > $tilt_max) {
$tiltstep = $tilt_max - $tilt_cur;
Debug( "panstep=$panstep tiltstep=$tiltstep ,before untaint" );
my $untaint1="0";
my $untaint2="0";
($untaint1)="$panstep"=~ /^(-?[0-9]+)$/;
Debug ("untaint1= $untaint1");
($untaint2)="$tiltstep"=~ /^(-?[0-9]+)$/;
Debug ("untaint2= $untaint2");
my $untainted_device="video1";
#($untainted_device) =$self->{Monitor}->{uvcdynctrl_device}=~ /^([\w.</Debug>{Monitor}->{pan_cur}=$pan_cur;
my $device_temp_file=$self->{Monitor}->{device_temp_file};
my $fh=IO::Handle->new();
Debug( "device_temp_file=$device_temp_file");
CORE::open($fh,">","$device_temp_file") || die("Cannot open $device_temp_file");
CORE::print($fh "$pan_cur:$tilt_cur:$focus_cur");
Debug( "Moving to $pan_cur,$tilt_cur \n" );
$tiltstep = $tiltstep * 64 ;
$panstep = $panstep * 64 ;
Debug( "real_panstep = $panstep real_tiltstep = $tiltstep\n" );
if ( $tiltstep == 0 )
CORE:system("/usr/bin/uvcdynctrl" ,"-d", $untainted_device ,"-s","Tilt (relative)" ,"--","$tiltstep") ;
if ( $panstep == 0 )
CORE:system("/usr/bin/uvcdynctrl" ,"-d",$untainted_device ,"-s","Pan (relative)" ,"--","$panstep") ;
if ( $tiltstep != 0 )
CORE:system("/usr/bin/uvcdynctrl" ,"-d", $untainted_device ,"-s","Tilt (relative)" ,"--","$tiltstep") ;
CORE:usleep (400);
if ( $panstep != 0 )
CORE:system("/usr/bin/uvcdynctrl" ,"-d",$untainted_device ,"-s","Pan (relative)" ,"--","$panstep") ;
CORE:usleep (400);
sub moveRelLeft
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $tiltstep=0;
my $panstep = $self->getParam( $params, 'panstep' );
Debug( "panstep=$panstep" );
Debug( "Step Left" );
my $pan_max=$self->{Monitor}->{MaxPanRange};
my $pan_min=$self->{Monitor}->{MinPanRange};
my $tilt_min=$self->{Monitor}->{MinTiltRange};
my $tilt_max=$self->{Monitor}->{MaxTiltRange};
my $pan_cur=$self->{Monitor}->{pan_cur};
my $tilt_cur=$self->{Monitor}->{tilt_cur};
my $focus_cur=$self->{Monitor}->{focus_cur};
if ($pan_cur + $panstep > $pan_max) {
$panstep = $pan_max - $pan_cur;
Debug( "Hitting the limite --> recalculating panstep" );
Debug( "panstep=$panstep tiltstep=$tiltstep ,before untaint" );
my $untaint1="0";
my $untaint2="0";
($untaint1)="$panstep"=~ /^(-?[0-9]+)$/;
Debug ("untaint1= $untaint1");
($untaint2)="$tiltstep"=~ /^(-?[0-9]+)$/;
Debug ("untaint2= $untaint2");
my $untainted_device="video1";
# ($untainted_device) =$self->{Monitor}->{uvcdynctrl_device}=~ /^([\w.</Debug>{Monitor}->{pan_cur}=$pan_cur;
my $device_temp_file=$self->{Monitor}->{device_temp_file};
my $fh=IO::Handle->new();
Debug( "device_temp_file=$device_temp_file");
CORE::open($fh,">","$device_temp_file") || die("Cannot open $device_temp_file");
CORE::print($fh "$pan_cur:$tilt_cur:$focus_cur");
Debug( "Moving to $pan_cur,$tilt_cur \n" );
$tiltstep = $tiltstep * 64 ;
$panstep = $panstep * 64 ;
Debug( "real_panstep = $panstep reial_tiltstep = $tiltstep\n" );
if ( $tiltstep == 0 )
CORE:system("/usr/bin/uvcdynctrl" ,"-d", $untainted_device ,"-s","Tilt (relative)" ,"--","$tiltstep") ;
if ( $panstep == 0 )
CORE:system("/usr/bin/uvcdynctrl" ,"-d",$untainted_device ,"-s","Pan (relative)" ,"--","$panstep") ;
if ( $tiltstep != 0 )
CORE:system("/usr/bin/uvcdynctrl" ,"-d", $untainted_device ,"-s","Tilt (relative)" ,"--","$tiltstep") ;
CORE:usleep (400);
if ( $panstep != 0 )
CORE:system("/usr/bin/uvcdynctrl" ,"-d",$untainted_device ,"-s","Pan (relative)" ,"--","$panstep") ;
CORE:usleep (400);
sub moveRelRight
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $tiltstep=0;
my $panstep = $self->getParam( $params, 'panstep' );
Debug( "panstep=$panstep" );
Debug( "Step Left" );
my $pan_max=$self->{Monitor}->{MaxPanRange};
my $pan_min=$self->{Monitor}->{MinPanRange};
my $tilt_min=$self->{Monitor}->{MinTiltRange};
my $tilt_max=$self->{Monitor}->{MaxTiltRange};
my $pan_cur=$self->{Monitor}->{pan_cur};
my $tilt_cur=$self->{Monitor}->{tilt_cur};
my $focus_cur=$self->{Monitor}->{focus_cur};
if ($pan_cur + $panstep > $pan_max) {
$panstep = $pan_max - $pan_cur;
Debug( "Hitting the limite --> recalculating panstep" );
Debug( "panstep=$panstep tiltstep=$tiltstep ,before untaint" );
my $untaint1="0";
my $untaint2="0";
($untaint1)="$panstep"=~ /^(-?[0-9]+)$/;
Debug ("untaint1= $untaint1");
($untaint2)="$tiltstep"=~ /^(-?[0-9]+)$/;
Debug ("untaint2= $untaint2");
my $untainted_device="video1";
# ($untainted_device) =$self->{Monitor}->{uvcdynctrl_device}=~ /^([\w.</Debug>{Monitor}->{pan_cur}=$pan_cur;
my $device_temp_file=$self->{Monitor}->{device_temp_file};
my $fh=IO::Handle->new();
Debug( "device_temp_file=$device_temp_file");
CORE::open($fh,">","$device_temp_file") || die("Cannot open $device_temp_file");
CORE::print($fh "$pan_cur:$tilt_cur:$focus_cur");
Debug( "Moving to $pan_cur,$tilt_cur \n" );
$tiltstep = $tiltstep * 64 ;
$panstep = $panstep * 64 ;
Debug( "real_panstep = $panstep reial_tiltstep = $tiltstep\n" );
if ( $tiltstep == 0 )
CORE:system("/usr/bin/uvcdynctrl" ,"-d", $untainted_device ,"-s","Tilt (relative)" ,"--","$tiltstep") ;
if ( $panstep == 0 )
CORE:system("/usr/bin/uvcdynctrl" ,"-d",$untainted_device ,"-s","Pan (relative)" ,"--","$panstep") ;
if ( $tiltstep != 0 )
CORE:system("/usr/bin/uvcdynctrl" ,"-d", $untainted_device ,"-s","Tilt (relative)" ,"--","$tiltstep") ;
CORE:usleep (400);
if ( $panstep != 0 )
CORE:system("/usr/bin/uvcdynctrl" ,"-d",$untainted_device ,"-s","Pan (relative)" ,"--","-$panstep") ;
CORE:usleep (400);
sub moveRelUpLeft
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
sub moveRelUpRight
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
sub moveRelDownLeft
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
sub moveRelDownRight
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
sub focusConNear
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
Debug( "Focus Near" );
sub focusConFar
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
Debug( "Focus Far" );
sub presetClear
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $preset = $self->getParam( $params, 'preset', 1 );
Debug( "Clear Preset $preset" );
sub presetSet
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $preset = $self->getParam( $params, 'preset', 1 );
sub presetGoto
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $preset = $self->getParam( $params, 'preset', 1 );
Debug( "Goto Preset $preset" );
sub presetHome
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
# Debug("device= $self->{Monitor}->{ControlDevice}");
# Debug("device= $self->{Monitor}->{ControlDevice}");
# Debug("device= $self->{Monitor}->{ControlDevice}");
# Debug("device= $self->{Monitor}->{ControlDevice}");
# Debug("device= $self->{Monitor}->{ControlDevice}");
# Debug("device= $self->{Monitor}->{ControlDevice}");
# $self->where_am_i();
# my @msg = ( 0x80|$self->{Monitor}->{ControlAddress}, 0x01, 0x06, 0x04, SYNC );
# $self->sendCmd( \@msg );
sub where_am_i
my $self = shift;
my $params = shift;
# We have a device ... where is it now?
Debug("n ::where_am_i:: ");
Debug("device= $self->{Monitor}->{ControlDevice}");
$self->{Monitor}->{MaxPanRange}= 55,
$self->{Monitor}->{MaxTiltRange}= 24,
Debug("MinPanRange= $self->{Monitor}->{MinPanRange}");
Debug("MaxPanRange= $self->{Monitor}->{MaxPanRange}");
Debug("MinTiltRange= $self->{Monitor}->{MinTiltRange}");
Debug("MaxTiltRange= $self->{Monitor}->{MaxTiltRange}");
my $sym_device_basename=File::Basename::basename($self->{Monitor}->{ControlDevice});
Debug("sym_device_basename= $sym_device_basename");
#my $device_temp_file="/tmp/"."$sym_device_basename".".current";
Debug ( "grrr device_temp_file= $device_temp_file \n" );
my $fh=IO::Handle->new();
CORE::open($fh, "$device_temp_file") || Debug ("Could not open $device_temp_file");
my $diamond_handle=$fh;
my ($pan_cur,$tilt_cur,$focus_cur)=CORE::split(/:/,$diamond_handle);
Debug ( "Currently at $pan_cur,$tilt_cur,$focus_cur" );
Debug ( "Currently(monitor object) at $self->{Monitor}->{pan_cur}, $self->{Monitor}->{tilt_cur},$self->{Monitor}->{focus_cur}" );
#first we deduce the real device name
my $real_device="video1";
Debug ( "real_device= $real_device" );
my $tainted_device=File::Basename::basename($real_device);
Debug ( "tainted_device= $tainted_device" );
$self->{Monitor}->{uvcdynctrl_device}=$tainted_device ;
#my uvcdynctrl_device="glop";
#$uvcdynctrl_device) = $tainted_device=~ /^([\w.<>\/,"=]+)$/;
#Debug ( "uvcdynctrl_device= $uvcdynctrl_device \n" );
#srand( time() );
# Below is stub documentation for your module. You'd better edit it!
=head1 NAME
ZoneMinder::Database - Perl extension for blah blah blah
use ZoneMinder::Database;
blah blah blah
Stub documentation for ZoneMinder, created by h2xs. It looks like the
author of the extension was negligent enough to leave the stub
Blah blah blah.
=head2 EXPORT
None by default.
=head1 SEE ALSO
Mention other useful documentation such as the documentation of
related modules or operating system documentation (such as man pages
in UNIX), or any relevant external documentation such as RFCs or
If you have a mailing list set up for your module, mention it here.
If you have a web site set up for your module, mention it here.
=head1 AUTHOR
Copyright (C) 2009 bokusouchi
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.3 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
Set the Cam as Controllable (remember to to check OPT_CONTROL in Option/System). click EDIT beside 'Control Type', then 'Add new control'. Name it to QuickcamSphere (although you can name it to whatever you want), Type Local, Protocol QuickcamSphere (this is important, name it exactly like that) Dont check Can Wake, Can Sleep, Can Reset. On the Move Tab check Can Move and Can Move Relative. On the Pan-Tab Check Can Pan, Min Pan Range -7000, Max Pan Range 7000, Min Pan Step 10 and Max Pan Step 10. Other stuff there unchecked. On the Tilt-Tab Check Can Tilt, Min Tilt Range -2500 and Max Tilt Range 2500, Min Tilt Step 10 and Max Tilt Step 10. everything else unchecked. Dont touch the other Tabs. Hit Save, close the Control Capabilities window. On your Monitor click Buffer-Tab (or any other) and back to Control zu select your new Control Type.
Hit Save. Almost done
When vieving the monitor, there is the 'Control' Link. hit that, you get some arrows. Try them, it should work.
AS I SAID. NO WARRANTY. Of course you have to habe libwebcam and uvcdynctrl as described here
get this working on the commandline first make sure it works there with e.g.
Code: Select all
uvcdynctrl -d video1 -s "Tilt (relative)" -- 900
Code: Select all
perl -w /usr/share/perl5/ZoneMinder/Control/
Code: Select all
zmcontrol[19435].INF [Control server 7/ starting at 10/03/11 11:31:16]
03/11/10 11:31:36.412291 zmcontrol[19434].FAT [Can't connect: No such file or directory]
Well, i guess thats it. Have fun feel free to ask when having Problems. Thanks to the whole Zomeninder-Team for their great Software.
Maybe someone with Knowledge in Perl can somehow clean up the mess i made in the module