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Debian: Events with zero duration and no image in zone defin

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 9:26 pm
by peterthevicar
Philip you are a super hero of the first order! What a wonderful piece of software!

I've just installed ZM onto a Debian (Sid) system.
I took quite a while to sort out the configurations but I thought this particular part might be worth posting for
others trying the same thing.

The underlying problem is that in Debian apache runs as user 'www-data' by default. This means ZM can't write into its images or events directories. A simple fix is to change all the zm files owned by apache to be owned by www-data:

cd /var/www/html/zm
find . -user apache | xargs chown www-data:

I'm now up and running looking at pictures of a suspicious me typing at the keyboard.
Thank you Philip!

Next step is to get the system installed at church (since we last spoke we have had a burnt out wheely-bin, paint on the windows and a smashed letter box - all in a fortnight!)

My log of what I've done to install the system is at

HTH, Peter