PAC207 Webcam WORKS! sort of......

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PAC207 Webcam WORKS! sort of......

Post by papagolf »

I have beat my head repeatedly and finally it works! sort of!
I have Ubuntu 9.10 with ZM 1.24-2. it wasn't until I finally upgraded to 1.24-2 that I started having a picture in the monitor. the last and final detail is that it looks like the old cable HBO without the descrambler. I have tried every format and palette combination I can think of, ZMU? reports as PAL 352x288 and changing the resolution kills the monitor. I have no debug info on it. every other app works fine with the cam minus ZM! I dont have to get this one working but I am demoing ZM while I await funding for a couple of cams and a pci card.(recommendations accepted btw) Has anyone else had any luck with this webcam?

Thanks in advance