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i386 vs x86_64 problem

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 6:01 pm
by SecurityGuy
I have installed both 32bit and 64bit OSs (Gentoo and Ubuntu) and configured zoneminder to use a ACTi 1231 camera. I get the 32bit version to work everytime (after some tweaking, kernel.shmall and kernel.shmmax, etc), but never the 64bit.

port 7070
1280x1024 resolution

Has anyone gotten the 64bit version to work with an ip camera?
I get lots of ssrc errors and a grey image.

and using vlc-wrapper is way too slow.

I would like to utilize the number crunching superiority of the x84_64 os if possible.

EDIT: I forgot to mention, I'm using/used the latest and greatest from both Ubuntu (10.04) and Gentoo (as of April 30th 2010), no source compiling. Well, no modification in the case of gentoo that is.
Also, my ssrc errors are with the 64bit versions only (but those logs have been deleted). I would be willing to recreate if that would help any.

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 9:31 pm
by TechGuy
Sort of.

I had problems with shm when not running as root (some sort of permissions problem). As a work around, I start /usr/bin/zmc -m 1 in a shell script running as root. The rest runs of zm runs under the apache user ID. For a quick test, set zm to run as root and see if the problem is resolved with shared memory. I never bothered to find a shm permission solution yet.

The second issue is that the ACTi 1231 camera (that I have) has a mpeg header issue that prevents it from starting using the default options. I found that if I increase the ffmpeg analyzer duration ffmpeg is able to skip over the problems and start a stream. I use the following ZM config options:

FFMPEG_INPUT_OPTIONS: -analyzeduration 59000000

The problem is that ffmpeg crashes every now and then because of the errors.

I did see that ACTi has a new fireware update that now supports MJPEG streams (with fw version V3.11.13-AC). unfortunately I haven't had an opportunity to try it. If you do please post your results.

I an running on Gentoo x86_64 Xen kernel with ZM running as a VM. VM is also 64-bit gentoo configured with 1 GB. Dom0 has 12 GB of memory. using linux-2.6.29-xen-r4 for dom0 and linux-2.6.29-xen-r4-domU for VM.

Get Updated Firmware here: ... 1_ACM-1232

ffmpeg: dynacolor issue (perhaps related to my ACTI camera issue)

ffmpeg errors with ACTi-1231 camera (but runs anyway).
[mpeg4 @ 0x7b0e1f0]header damaged
[rtsp @ 0x6eab470]video codec set to: mpeg4
[rtsp @ 0x6eab470]hello state=0
[mpeg4 @ 0x6eae1f0]Error, header damaged or not MPEG4 header (qscale=0)
[rtsp @ 0x6eab470]max_analyze_duration reached
[rtsp @ 0x6eab470]Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate
[swscaler @ 0x6ec4c50]No accelerated colorspace conversion found from yuv420p to rgb24.
[mpeg4 @ 0x6eae1f0]Error, header damaged or not MPEG4 header (qscale=0)
[mpeg4 @ 0x6eae1f0]ac-tex damaged at 20 4
[mpeg4 @ 0x6eae1f0]Error at MB: 184
[mpeg4 @ 0x6eae1f0]concealing 1069 DC, 1069 AC, 1069 MV errors
Marker bit missing before time_increment_resolution
Marker bit missing in complexity estimation part 1
[mpeg4 @ 0x6eae1f0]hmm, seems the headers are not complete, trying to guess time_increment_bits

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 5:06 pm
by l8nite4me
I am currently running 1.24.2 on CentOS 5.2 64bit without any issues. Originally I had issues compiling, but a little research on the forums here fixed the compile issues. I have 4 various models of TrendNet cameras running currently and plan on adding 2 axis P3343ve's in a couple of weeks.

I am running on HP DL580's, HP (Lefthand Networks) iSCSI storage, VMWare Vsphere 4.0 Update 1. Currently the server is running with 1GB Ram and 1GHz CPU allocated.

Perhaps a configuration issue?

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 4:16 am
by SecurityGuy
Ok, I get the following errors (debug set to 2)

05/11/10 22:48:44.236747 zmc_m1[-1].WAR-zm_rtp_data.cpp/57 [Discarding packet for unrecognised ssrc eff1a303]
05/11/10 22:48:44.236990 zmc_m1[-1].WAR-zm_rtp_data.cpp/57 [Discarding packet for unrecognised ssrc 916da93]
05/11/10 22:48:44.237237 zmc_m1[-1].WAR-zm_rtp_data.cpp/57 [Discarding packet for unrecognised ssrc ebae8fc3]
05/11/10 22:48:44.237441 zmc_m1[-1].WAR-zm_rtp_data.cpp/57 [Discarding packet for unrecognised ssrc e4e94838]
05/11/10 22:48:44.237688 zmc_m1[-1].WAR-zm_rtp_data.cpp/57 [Discarding packet for unrecognised ssrc a33ef86a]
05/11/10 22:48:44.237932 zmc_m1[-1].WAR-zm_rtp_data.cpp/57 [Discarding packet for unrecognised ssrc 1f3f799d]
05/11/10 22:48:44.238182 zmc_m1[-1].WAR-zm_rtp_data.cpp/57 [Discarding packet for unrecognised ssrc fffec660]
05/11/10 22:48:44.238423 zmc_m1[-1].WAR-zm_rtp_data.cpp/57 [Discarding packet for unrecognised ssrc ea35a25]

and on and on and on....

sysctl.conf settings:
kernel.shmall = 512000 (2GB in pages)
kernel.shmmax = 1677721600 (1.6 GB in bytes)

Some additional zoneminder "monitor" Config info:

General Tab.
Name: Monitor-1
Source Type: Remote
Enabled: <checked>
Linked Monitors: <none>
Maximum FPS: 5
Alarm Maximum FPS:5
Reference Image Blend %ge: 7
Triggers: None available

Source Tab.
Remote Protocol: RTSP
Remote Method: RTP/Unicast
Remote Host Name: 111.222.333.444
Remote Host Port: 7070
Remote Host Path: <blank>
Remote Image Colours: 24 bit
Capture Width (pixels): 1280
Capture Height (pixels): 720
Preserve Aspect Ratio : <un-checked>
Orientation : normal

Camera info:

Firmware Version = A1D-220-V3.11.13-AC (received from factory with this firmware)

Camera Name Camera-01
Streaming Method RTP over UDP
RTSP Authen Enable <un-checked>
B2 Frame Enable <un-checked>
Audio In disabled
Input Sensitivity NTSC (grayed out)
Resolution 1280x720
Frame Rate Mode Constant
Frame Rate 5
Encoder Type MPEG4
Video Bitrate Mode Variable bit rate
Video Quality HIGH
GOP Length 0 [0~60, 0: one I frame in a second]
RTSP Port 7070
Video Control Port 6001

Using the above settings exactly... using a (Ubuntu 10.04/Gentoo) x86_64 kernel i get failing camera and errors and a gray bar (wide vertical striped) image. Using a (Ubuntu 10.04/Gentoo) i386/i686 kernel i get as expected results. I will most likely continue using the i386 kernel but I feel like I"m making inefficient use of the CPU.

I know ffmpeg would (could?) utilize the 64bit cpu more efficiently so why isn't it working correctly? What is wrong with my ssrc?

Hmmmm... Source Type: ffmpeg works

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 4:24 am
by SecurityGuy
Ok, I just configured a "new" monitor using ffmpeg as the source type with
rtsp://111.222.333.444:7070 as the Source Path and 1280x720 image at 5 fps.

It works. why? Why not the rtp/rtsp way?

Also, this ffmpeg method seems to have a "flash" component to the output, meaning that the video flashes a white frame every so often. Could this be a buffer issue?

Thanks for some insight towards using ffmpeg, TechGuy!

Edit: this method seems to use a bit more cpu than the direct rtsp way. Now if ffmpeg would take advantage of vdpau for decoding/encoding we would be some where....

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 6:33 pm
by TechGuy
Curious Questions:

If you uses ffmpeg and save a stream with your ACTi 1231, do you see stream header errors, like I posted? If not, what firmware version is on your Camera?

if Your running the lastest version A1D-220-V3.11.13-AC, can you try using the MJPEG http Stream method to see if it works. This would bypass ffmpeg.

I suspect that using ffMpeg introduces some overhead since ffmpeg will generate load and then ZM has to pull the data from ffmpeg creating some additional load.

Are you using another other Acti Cameras besides the ACM-1231? Any problems or issues?


Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 2:02 pm
by SecurityGuy
I purchased my camera about one month ago, it came with the following firmware (from settings page of the camera)

Firmware Version = A1D-220-V3.11.13-AC

When I setup for using ffmpeg, i did not use any special ffmpeg settings
in "options" page (index.php?view=options&tab=images)


The only ffmpeg.log files i see were with failure when creating some videos.

My ACM-1231 is set for MPEG4 output 5 fps @1280x720. I do not have authentication on (atm).

Currently, I only have the one camera. I have a second one that will be introduced once the "bugs" are worked out. AKA- as soon as I understand how to use zoneminder well.

Everything seems to work well.

TechGuy, sounds like you could benefit from updating the ACM-1231 firmware.

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 9:22 pm
by TechGuy
SecurityGuy wrote:I purchased my camera about one month ago, it came with the following firmware (from settings page of the camera)

Firmware Version = A1D-220-V3.11.13-AC

TechGuy, sounds like you could benefit from updating the ACM-1231 firmware.
Thanks for the info. I was hestitant to upgrade because I was concerned that the update would make the problem worse. I had tried to downgrade the firmware and I found out that fireware upgrades are permitted to upgrade, or at least it would not let me install the earlier version I had. Since you have the newer version, and it appears to be working I am going to give it a try.

I was curious if the http stream option (now available) in the new firmware got around the ffmpeg overhead you noticed.

I asked about the additional Acti-Cameras to get some feedback on other Acti-camera Models. I would like to try one of the ACTi PZT cameras, but I didn't want to make a purchase until I had the bugs worked out.

Thanks for the info.

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 6:01 pm
by dbosso
Try the patch here:
to fix x86_64 rtp/rtsp.