I've spent some time playing with my Wowee Rovio. I've managed to get it working as a monitor and recently hacked together a PTZ control file to drive it from the Zoneminder web interface. I have also written a 2-3 page guide on how to get it working.
I'd like to contribute this, but am not sure how or where to upload it to the wiki. Can someone give me some guidance?
Rovio as video source plus PTZ
Wiki is pretty simple just go to
and change welcome in the url to what ever you want to call your page/guide.
and change welcome in the url to what ever you want to call your page/guide.
First version is here:
I went ahead and just posted the contents of the .pm file on the wiki page.
Thanks for your help kingofkya!
I went ahead and just posted the contents of the .pm file on the wiki page.
Thanks for your help kingofkya!
Looks good if you need for the future on the left collum it says upload or
then you just link to it.
then you just link to it.
Re: Rovio as video source plus PTZ
THIS IS AWESOME!!! I was looking for an excuse to buy a rovio, but didn't know how difficult it might be to integrate with ZM, and didn't wanna invest at that point. I have to get one now!joelgb wrote:Hello,
I've spent some time playing with my Wowee Rovio. I've managed to get it working as a monitor and recently hacked together a PTZ control file to drive it from the Zoneminder web interface. I have also written a 2-3 page guide on how to get it working.
I'd like to contribute this, but am not sure how or where to upload it to the wiki. Can someone give me some guidance?
Thanks for your contribution!