Mobotix reboots not reconnecting

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Joined: Wed Jun 16, 2010 1:44 pm

Mobotix reboots not reconnecting

Post by dale »

Hello, zm noob here.

I have 3 Mobotix D24M Security cameras, factory default of the camera is to reboot every day at 3:36 AM (I don't know why yet). My cameras stop working in zoneminder at some point after the reboot. The cameras reboot fine, I can log in directly to the camera. The zm logging (debug level 1) shows the zm continues processing something on those cameras, but no events, and if I go to the live image in zm it still shows what I beleive is the last image that was taken prior to the reboot. Any ideas where to look for failure, camera or software, and how to fix it. As a test I just turned off the auto reboot for two of the three cameras, don't know what affect this will have long term, but those 2 cameras continued working all night. I am turning up the debug level and will keep looking at the logs. I also increased the camera memory allocation from 4Gigs to 10Gigs out of total 18Gigs on the system (kernel.shmall = 10737418240 kernel.shmmax = 10737418240), and see no difference. Hoping someone else has seen this, and has a fix.

ZM recovers after a zm restart from the console and starts recording events on the Mobotix cams again without issue.

I also have 4 more cameras, AXIS 216MFD, that are working OK, both before and after the Mobotix reboots, so the zm system seems to be functioning OK, except for the camera that rebooted.

I am running the Mobotix cams in mjpg mode with http://NAME:PASS@IP/control/faststream. ... re&e=.mjpg

Dedicated high end server with 10Gigs (out of 18G) memory dedicated to shared memory for cameras
Ubuntu 10.4 Server 2.6.32-22-server x86_64
ZM 1.24.2 installed from package manager synaptic (.deb)
Only additional software installed on server - nagios, iftop, some other standard stuff, vim etc.
