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Different ZM behavior depending on time of day?

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 3:11 pm
by vectorm12
Okay I've finally managed to sort out just about every issue I had with my initial trial with ZM 1.24.2 and I've now come to the point where I am only missing one key function(might just have missed it though)

What I need to do is have ZM record every single event during the daytime but at the same time I need to be notified if an event has occurred during "off-hours". As in if an event has been triggered at 2:00 in the morning when there isn't a valid reason for an event to be triggered.

So basically I want the standard behavior but with the addition that if an event has occurred during unusual hours I need to be notified of it.

Is there any way of doing this in ZM?