Thank you very much Ilios.
Server: IP
Dell PowerEdge 1950 8Gb ram 500Gb raid 5 SAS
Centos 5.4 64 bits
Zoneminder 1.24.2 compiled.
Apache 2.2.3-31.el5
Clients: IP and
Kubuntu 8.04 with zmviwer 0.2 deb packet.
WIndowx XP with zmviwer 0.2 for windows
6 Foscam FI8908W with web access over tcp port 1234
I don't know what is a VPS, please give-me more explain.
The server, clients and cameras are on the same network
ZoneMinder full work's with browsers, but browsers freeze some times, because this I'm trying to use the zmviewer.
Zmviwer are able to connect and show cameras, but can't able to show events.
The events windows open ok, the evens was listed, but when a double click on an event I receive the error "Connection Refused(or timed out)"
If I open "View Setup" on events window it show-me:
Name: Event-123819
Server: cameras.cordiap15.intra
Port: 1234
Monitor: 1
Stream: /cgi-bin/nph-zms
I think here we have a problem because are the cameras that are running on port 1234, not SERVER.
At this time o run a tcpdump on server filtering by IP of client and port 1234 and I saw that zmviwer sent requests to ZM server on port 1234 instead of 80.
[root@ProxyP15 ~]# tcpdump -i any -nnn host and tcp port 1234
14:19:46.389508 IP > S 2158530123:2158530123(0) win 5840 <mss>
14:19:46.389540 IP > R 0:0(0) ack 2158530124 win 0
14:19:46.569737 IP > S 2162166638:2162166638(0) win 5840 <mss>
14:19:46.569766 IP > R 0:0(0) ack 2162166639 win 0
And on zmviwer console a saw it:
Have no log about this on APACHE, I think because apache is not listening on port 1234.
Have no log about this on ZM too.
My apache virtual host configuration is:
Options -Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
#Deny from all # DELETE THIS LINE
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/zoneminder
ServerName cameras.cordiap15.intra
ErrorLog logs/cameras.cordiap15-error_log
CustomLog logs/cameras.cordiap15.intra-access_log common
The problem is the same with windows and Linux version of ZMviewer.
I have one more doubt. ZMVIWER is able to control PTZ cameras? Because I made drivers to control my cameras, and it's work very nice on browser, but I can't found this option on zmviwer.
Sorry again by my bad English, I'm from Brasil.
I appreciate very much your help and if you need more details please let me know.