If I set the capture on most cameras to 320x240 with the default scale "actual" and have a few at 640x480 with a default scale of "1/2" then all images display at the same screen size when viewed individually.
However the montage view seems to ignore the default scale setting on the higher resolution cameras, and tries to show them at full size.
I have scoured the forum and the Wiki but don't see this mentioned.
Am I missing something or is this a bug?
Another minor problem is to do with the logs. I have the machine locale set to en_GB UTF-8. However the date format is switching back and forth between log entries for example here from zmdc.log :-
Code: Select all
25/07/10 19:57:05.821517 zmdc[17558].INF ['zmc -d /dev/video4' exited normally]
25/07/10 19:57:05.821809 zmdc[17558].INF ['zmwatch.pl ' exited, signal 14]
07/25/10 19:58:04.020106 zmdc[3241].INF [Server starting at 10/07/25 19:58:04]
07/25/10 19:58:07.101872 zmdc[3241].INF ['zmc -d /dev/video0' starting at 10/07/25 19:58:07, pid = 3362]